There are many different approaches you might use to promote peace and unity among youth in your community. You may wish to begin with a community assessment to learn more about why there is a need. Learn more about what is causing the lack of peace and unity and develop a strategy to intervene. The Community Tool Box has guidance for this in Chapter 3, Assessing Community Needs and Resources with Toolkit #2, and then Chapter 5, Choosing Strategies to Promot Community Health and Development.
You may wish to encourage the youth to come together to work on behalf of community issues. If you take this approach I recommend Chapter 6, Promoting Interest in Community Issues and Chapter 7, Encouraging Involvement in Community Work. Give the youth in your community a common purpose, a chance to work together toward something positive that would change their current focus.
Another approach might be to analyze the problems and design or adapt community interventions. If you take this approach is would suggest the Community Tool Box Chapters 17 through 19, and Toolkits #3 an #7. Chapters 20 through 26 and Toolkits #7 and #11 provide guidelines for implementing promising community interventions.
As you see, there are different approaches you might try, and they depend on the resources you have available and what would work best in your particular community. For each of these, the Community Tool Box provides guidance and toolkits to assist with the work.
The Community Toolbox Advisor