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what has proven to be an effective way to teach spanish speaking functionally illiterate men who have been exposed to asbestos and other toxicants to stop smoking and understand the risk of smoking?
Thanks for your question. Smoking cessation is an important public health issue. Based on your question, I'm not sure where you are in the process here. Has this problem been identified by a group or only you? If only you, you might want to think first about who else might be interested in this issue. To get started in conducting a more broad-based assessment, check out: /en/tablecontents/index.aspx. Another thing that would probably be helpful to do would be to find out if there are churches or other community spaces where there are bicultural (which means Spanish speaking and having cultural competency) people who are already working with primarily Spanish-speaking men. Brining this group together with public health people in your community might be a good place to start. If, on the other hand, you already have a group together and you are now looking for an empirically-validated and culturally competent intervention, then I'd suggest asking someone in public health who is on your team to do a literature search (or, you may be able to do one yourself) on smoking cessation and Spanish-speaking men. Also, look here: /en/tablecontents/section_1140.aspx and here: /en/promisingapproach/databases_best_practices.aspx Best of luck!
Question Date:
Wed, 06/02/2010