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I'm a nurse and I was thinking about teaching a community group for a class project. I have a school project that requires me to volunteer 30 hours. I must find a group, assess there needs and teach them something that would benefit them. They must be within the my community. I was thinking about teaching to a Boys & Girls club or local Boyscouts. As a nurse, what could I teach on?
This sounds like a great project! I would recommend that you get in touch with the local group that you decide to focus on and ask people there what you should focus on. You might give them some ideas about the topics that you have expertise in and see if you can jointly determine a topic area. You could also start out with a brief questionnaire about the possible topics you think you could teach on and ask the kids in the program to fill it out and then focus on what they ask you to teach them about. Good luck!
Question Date:
Fri, 06/18/2010