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Tool 1: Supports for Implementing an Evaluation Plan for Community-Level Obesity Prevention Efforts

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Table of Contents

General Evaluation Resources
Steps in Community Evaluation (and Related Resources)

  1. Design Stakeholder Involvement
  2. Identify Resources for Monitoring and Summative Evaluation 
  3. Describe the Intervention’s Framework, Logic Model, or Theory of Change
  4. Focus the Monitoring and Summative Evaluation  Plan
  5. Plan for credible methods
  6. Synthesize and Generalize
  7. Systems and Evaluation


General Evaluation Resources

Steps in Community Evaluation (and related resources)



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  1. Design stakeholder involvement
    1. Identify stakeholders
    2. Consider the extent of stakeholder involvement
    3. Assess desired outcomes of monitoring and summative evaluation *
    4. Define stakeholder roles in the monitoring and summative evaluation *
    5. Resources:



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  1. Identify resources for monitoring and summative evaluation
    1. Person-power resources
    2. Data collection resources
    3. Resources:


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  1. Describe the intervention’s framework, logic model, or theory of change
    1. Purpose or mission
    2. Context or conditions
    3. Inputs: resources and barriers
    4. Activities or interventions
    5. Outputs of activities
    6. Intended effects or outcomes
    7. Resources:



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  1. Focus the monitoring and summative evaluation plan
    1. Purpose or uses: What does the monitoring and summative evaluation aim to accomplish?
    2. Set priorities by end-user questions, resources, context
    3. What questions will the monitoring and summative evaluation answer?
    4. Ethical implications (benefit outweighs risk)
    5. Resources:



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  1. Plan for credible methods
    1. Stakeholder agreement on methods
    2. Indicators of success
    3. Credibility of evidence
    4. Resources:


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  1. Synthesize and generalize
    1. Disseminating and compiling studies
    2. Learning more from implementation
    3. Ways to assist generalization
    4. Shared sense-making and cultural competence
    5. Disentangling effects of interventions
    6. Resources:



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  1. Systems and Evaluation


Sources: BOX 8-1, IOM Report on Evaluating Obesity Prevention Efforts: A Plan for Measuring Progress (2013); Community Tool Box.


*Monitoring is the tracking of the implementation of interventions compared to standards of performance.
*Summative Evaluation is the effort to detect changes in output, outcomes, and impacts associated with interventions and to attribute those changes to the interventions.



Tool 2: Table of Program Components and Elements

Risk / Protective Factors Program Components (Strategies) Program Elements (Tactics) Targets and Agents of Change Mode / Context of Delivery














Tool 3: Evaluation Questions and Methods

    Type of Data Collection * Experimental Design **
Key Evaluation Questions Type of Management Information and Evaluation Measure(s) Survey / Scale Structured Interview Self Report / Log Direct Observation Archival Records Case Study Pre- Posttest Control Group Time Series
Planning and Implementation Issues Descriptive and Process Measures                
1. 1.                
2. 2.                
3. 3.                
4. 4.                
5. 5.                
Assessing Attainment of Objectives Outcome Measures                
1. 1.                
2. 2.                
3. 3.                
4. 4.                
5. 5.                
Impact on Participants                  
1. 1.                
2. 2.                
3. 3.                
4. 4.                
5. 5.                
Impact on Community                  
1. 1.                
2. 2.                
3. 3.                
4. 4.                
5. 5.                

Tool 4: Evaluation Timeline

  2010 2011 2012 2013
Monitoring System J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D
Establish system        

Train participants / staff  in data entry

Maintain system
(data collection and reporting)
Critical events        
Identify key people        
Conduct interviews        
Report results        
Community-Level Indicators        
Identify local indicators        
Identify comparison site        
Secure data        
Report results        
Other Indicators (e.g., behavioral
surveys, data observations)
Secure data        
Report results