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Question: I'm having trouble navigating the web page. I'm trying to find info regarding different models.
*Epidemiological Model
*Public Health Model
*Social Model
*Asset Model

I admit I'm still overwhelmed with all the info, and haven't quite put all the pieces together at this time. Thanks for your help.

Hi Peter,

Let me refer you first to Chapter 2 in the Table of Contents under our Learn a Skill graphic.  That lists a number of models and may be helpful to you.

Then you might try a couple of things:  First, try entering each of those terms (e.g. "epidemiological model," etc.) one at a time in the search box at the upper right corner of  the CTB home page.  That will bring up lists of "hits" and you can click on the ones that seem most relevant to your search.  Also, try clicking on our Learn a Skill graphic and then on "Databases of Best Practices."  I hope this will lead to the information you seek.


Question Date: Fri, 09/05/2014