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Question: hallo!
Iam Irene, recently i started up an non- profit making organisation to support the vulnerable in Kibera slums in kenya. i am the CEO of the organisation am requesting if i can get someone who can help me to come up with policies of the organisation iam reallyvery new in this and i don't have any advisor. help where you can

Dear Ms. Kasandi,

The Community Toolbox includes a section on Developing a Strategic Plan and Organizational Structure (see Chapters 8 through 12). You may find Chapter 9 to be especially useful.  Each chapter includes tools, examples, and other helpful assistance for creating a new organization. I suggest that you browse through all of those materials and tools as a starting point. There are links to tools from other organizations which may also be useful to you.

Another strategy that might be helpful is to identify successful NGOs in your area or within Kenya and ask if they will provide guidance or share some of their policies or other documents that you can use for guidance. You might check with a local university to see if there are faculty who might want to help you, or provide a student intern who has this skill.

I wish you luck with your project and with developing your organization.

CTB Advisor


Question Date: Tue, 10/21/2014