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Question: We hear about the shortage of housing all of the time. I have property in Tennessee, I want to build houses for the elderly but can't get connected to anyone with instructions on how to proceed without being a non-profit organization.Can you direct to someone that will be willing to help get this off the drawing board?
Answer: Thank you for submitting such a great question through the Community Tool Box. I sent your request to a couple of colleagues that have experience working in neighborhood organizing and housing issues. One of them raised several good questions that might help us figure out how to best guide your next steps. It would be easier if we knew what type of housing for the elderly you are thinking about. Is it affordable single-family or multi-family dwellings for the elderly, or will you be providing services as well? Is this one or two units or a larger project? If this will include services, are you talking about the full range of assistance (construction, finance, legal, management, screening, etc.)? Will these services also include medical, social and recreational services? Many of the groups doing this kind of work are not-for-profits (as you pointed out), because they find it easier to get public assistance in the form of grants and subsidies, but there are corporations working in this area as well (e.g., Marriott is probably the largest one).
Question Date: Tue, 06/05/2007