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How come sports in communities is not emphasised at early ages. A healthy community is a community that exercises.
Why sports are not emphasized at earlier ages in communities is a difficult question to answer. There are so many benefits to the spirit and to health that come from positive forms of athletics. When it comes to good health-related habits, it is always important to start early. Health provides us, and children included, with many of the basic foundational elements for all of our activities as human beings. Safe and healthy sports can have a positive impact not only children's physical health but also their mental well-being, and the energy that's required to take on intellectual endeavors. Sports that are safe, that promote teamwork, that involve good mentors, that are fun can also bring well-being to whole families and whole communities. Many communities do of course benefit from the wonderful activities of Park Districts and YMCAs, and their sport-related activities start at very young ages. There are of course many other widespread organizations and less-well-known community groups trying to build more of these activities in their neighborhoods. But if such organizations don't exist in your community, and you would really like to do something about it (and if you have the time and energy), try to get other like-minded people in the community to come together around this issue. Find out what resources you'll need. What athletic activities for kids might gather the most interest in your community? Find out how you can set up these programs and get more resources. Find outside groups that have been in the same situation and can provide guidance to you on your efforts. Much of the information throughout the Community Toolbox can help you get started!
Question Date:
Thu, 02/28/2008