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The organization I work for belives health is more than medicine. It is not just physical health of an individual. An individuals health is multidimensional and a direct relationship to the environment one lives. For that reason, I am looking for articles, links, books, or any other resources that share my opion on community health. I am looking for reliable resources to help me make my case that health of a community or an individual extends beyond the work that goes on inside the walls of a hospital. Can you help?
Thanks for contacting "Ask an Advisor". Its good that you are thinking about health more broadly defined. That is certainly how we think of it here, and the evidence is now clear that social conditions play a powerful role in health. I'd look to the field of public health for international literature on "Social Determinants of Health"(SDOH). One of the best books on this topic is Michael Marmot and Richard Wilkinson's book "Social Determinants of Health". The World Health Organization's Commission on SDOH also has a
great website that is an invaluable resource. Their publication
"The Solid Facts"
has a wealth of information that can help you make your case. Thanks again for contacting Ask and Advisor, and let us know if you have other questions. ~Scot
Question Date:
Fri, 05/23/2008