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Question: I am representing a non - profit summer recreational club that has been in existence for ore than 65 years. The club consists of an aging membership, that through the years has lost an ever increasing number of members. Our difficulties are compounded by the fact that there is a competing organization that offers a lake and beach experience, whereas our recreational facility offers a heated pool experience. Our membership fees are $325 per member, as compared to $150 for lake and boating experiences. Our organization needs to increase membership, or in the near future, cease to exist. What strategies should we be examining to reverse our position?

Dear Stanley,

I would suggest doing a thorough assessment of the strenghts and weaknesses of your organization. I would suggest not pay so much attention at the membership fee. Instead, think about what exactly does your club offer that is unique and valuable ot the community members? What programs are needed or not needed? What are the needs of the community? Have you done a needs assessment of the community? Perhaps what your club offers no longer match the needs of the community. The second thing I would recommend is to think about whether collaobration with other organizations (even competing ones) is possible. 

I would recommend reading Ch. 42-46 of the Community Toolbox. It may give you some ideas about beyond surviving this crisis and think about the sustainability of your club.

Question Date: Fri, 09/11/2015