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Question: Hello,
I am a new employee at a NGO, as the Project Coordinator. My organization provides humanitarian services to underprivileged persons in Southeast Asia.

I was employed to bring operations to a higher standard, as we lack the proper tools and systems in project design and implementation. Most processes are carried out informally.

I am asked to create a Needs Assessment for the literacy teachers to use when they go out in the community to assess needs. I am having difficulty formulating the exact questions that are appropriate. Any advise on this? Also, I was requested to create an evaluation system for the various projects, such as the schools or the Water Wells built. Could you give some guidance on how to create this evaluation system and possible questions to be included in the evaluation?

Thank you.

Hello Tracia,

Chapter 3 has information and guidance for assessing needs. Toolkit #2 provides additional resources and guidance. If you are concerned about the wording of questions you might prepare a draft and then test it with some local residents and get their feedback.

For evaluation, the Community Tool Box Chapters 36 through 39 provide guidance to develop and implement an evaluation. Toolkit #12 gives more hands on details and examples. You might also go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website ( This website also includes evaluation guidance.


The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mon, 01/30/2017