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Question: Do you believe in change? Please advice a person who wants to leave their studies, and pursue in changing they community to change the world in future. Please!

Thanks you for your probing and thoughtful question, Langa. Yes, I fervently believe in change at numerous levels and I know many, many people, friends, and colleagues who share the same conviction. To effect reasonable societal and individual change one should seriously consider where and how and when they can effectively position themselves to influence positive change and outcomes. But in considering all of those factors one must determine if the outcomes of those in need are desirable?

What are their needs? Goals? Aspirations? And who is it they would choose to influence them and why? But before you attempt to find answers to these probing questions and concerns you have to consider how to best position yourself to effect any change. Most people I know and I know countless of them at numerous levels value educational credentials; many even contest that without them one can¹t hope to be influential and effective. Moreover they argue that if you want to aspire to change then you have to be a model for change by achieving success in desired realms of influence. And that means to take the precious time to complete what you started out to doŠ.finish your studies, get the degree, and then many people will be proud of your accomplishments and admire your tenacity and perseverance.

Those values will spill over into the change you seek to bring about.

People will sense that and value it.

The famed cultural anthropologist Margaret Mead was alleged to have once said to an audience of young people wanting to effect change in the world:

"³Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.² I firmly believe and subscribe to that conviction. You¹re are not going to do it yourself, Langa, as you will need allies who look up to you, admire you, stand behind you, and support you. And one major way to influence that possibility is to achieve success and in your case it means first finish your studies and then move on. That¹s what I didŠ.I was the first of close to 80 relatives to go to college. But I didn¹t stop there and continued to climb upwards in my studies. Once finished I then positioned myself in a place where I thought I could have the greatest influence. I never looked backed and ask what ifŠ.neverŠ.because I did what I believe I had to at first and I¹m completely convinced it was the right decision.

So as you continue to ponder your question also consider what if you stop now and attempt to effect change. Will you regret your decision later one?

Many do and I know lots of them? They spend a good part of their daily life regretting what they could have finished if they only had stayed the course. It doesn¹t take long to finish what you startedŠyou¹re young and you have decades ahead of you.

In spirit,


Question Date: Sun, 06/07/2015