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Question: Dear Sir, I am writing from Malawi, central Africa. Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world. I work for a health communication NGO that uses the power of mass media to effect change. Realizing that interpersonal communication, social mobilization and community dialogue are an important element in fostering behaviour change, I am in the process of developing a community dialogue promote that seeks to engage rural Malawians into discussing problems affecting their communities, what the barriers are to change and what they can do to bring about change. I came across your website and was very interested to learn more about CTB. I would like to find out if you have any reading materials that can help me come up with an effective program that can change the lives of many poor Malawians and that can later be replicated into other African countries. I will appreciate so much any assistance you can provide me in this regard. The concept I am developing will later be used to raise funding that must see the project growing. I can't wait to hear from you. Thanks, Simon
Answer: Welcome Simon! For reading materials, please click on our Table of Contents. It contains useful information about all phases of community development. Any of it can be printed out for your use. We assume you will have to adapt some of the possibilities to fit cultures in Malawi, and urge you to feel free to do that. You might also click on our Workstation tab. It will take you to information provided by organizations that have used some of the tools. We hope CTB resources are helpful in your very important effort, and invite you to make use of any that are relevant. Best wishes.
Question Date: Tue, 06/17/2008