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Question: I am the Community Service Coordinator at Baptist Regional Medical Center and are looking at working on childhood obesity and am looking for advise on how to start a program in the school system to get kids active. Lee Richardson Community Service Coordinator Baptist Regional Medical Center Corbin KY 40701 606-523-8533
Answer: Hi Lee, Thanks for your question. Take a look at several sections of our Table of Contents, particularly chapters 4 and 5 in Section B and both chapters in Section C. I assume you are already talking with the school district and with local youth development organizations. You might also want to involve the churches to build a broad community coalition. You will need to consider strategies for motivating parents as well as kids. Also, take a look at our Links With Others section for possible resources. Berea College might be another resource for consultation and possibly for mentors to help encourage kids to become more active. I know that Col. Sanders started his very successful business in Corbin. Perhaps KFC could assist with funding and consultation during your development process Childhood obesity is a very important public health issue. Best wishes for success in your effort.
Question Date: Sat, 07/12/2008