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Thanks for writing us at the Community Tool Box. We are glad you are interested in making a change in your neighborhood, and in starting an organization to do so.
Much as we would like to, we cannot be familiar with specific resources in individual communities such as Indianapolis. But in general terms, it makes good starting sense to contact some of the organizations already involved in your neighborhood, both to learn more about what they do, and also how you might possibly work together with them to create desired change.
In addition, you might also benefit from looking at some of the sections in Chapters 18 and 19 of the Tool Box, which deal with starting a community intervention. You can find the specific links and material by accessing the Tool Box Table of Contents. You might also review Chapter 43, Section 4, on starting a nonprofit organization, which is at /en/table-of-contents/finances/managing-finances/nonprofit-status-tax-exemption/main
We hope these thoughts may be helpful to you. All best wishes for success with this and future projects!