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I would appreciate any feedback.
Thank you
Thank you for writing to us at the Community Tool Box with your question. We appreciate the great value of your work as well as its specialized nature. and also the clear feeling behind your writing.
While we do not know of specific funding sources that address the specific situation you describe, we think identifying (and possibly then pursuing) possible sources is certainly worth some effort.
As a general principle in most any project, it makes sense to work together with others who believe as you do. In your case, you might seek out and enlist the help of local colleagues who are closer to your particular situation, and who may also have a little more experience and/or contacts on the fund-raising end. We can see the potential value of calling a meeting of these people to discuss this issue more systematically, with the goal of coming up with a working plan of action.
We wonder also whether it might be possible to contact the manufacturers themselves. Is there a possibility of donation, or discounted rates, or specialized cost-sharing rates? Or are there cooperative arrangements that could be made between the manufacturers and public-sector entities? In this case, some creativity on your part may be called for. We can’t be sure how feasible any of these possibilities may be, but we think there is little downside to investigating them.
We hope some of these suggestions may be helpful to you. Thanks again for writing, and all very best wishes for success in your most important work.