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Question: Hello,

How do I know which community representatives (in Atlanta, Georgia) to engage for my particular issue? I am in the process of adopting a foster child (that has been with me for 2 years) we should be finalizing this month. This process has opened my eyes to systemic and chronic issues in the foster care system and I really want to help. I would like get involved perhaps providing support to overworked and underpaid social workers and case managers; perhaps providing a resource tool box for families trying caring for foster children Etc. Over the past two years I have consistently been given incomplete/inaccurate information by DFCS as it relates to our process. I have had to extend an abundance of energy trying to care for this amazing special needs child and even MORE energy following up with all the incorrect information from the agency. Honestly, my heart bleeds for all of the children stuck behind the red tape and I just need to know which of my elected officials is directly responsible for this area so that I can bring more awareness and solutions to this important platform.

Thank you

Thank you for using the Community Tool Box and contacting us with your question. We have some resources to help you. Check out Chapter 4. Getting Issues on the Public Agenda /en/table-of-contents/assessment/getting-issues-on-the... See also the following resources. Good luck with your advocacy for children in the care of the state, especially those with special needs, and the families supporting them. 

Question Date: Fri, 05/04/2018