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Dear Moonus
thank you for your attention. About your request: teenager sportsman may be a very interesting target to be trained because they usually have steady relations with peers, and may become an effective support for community programs, reaching also young people who generally do not attend meetings or prevention programs.
You may find topics as leadership, peace and conflict resolution in Community Toolbox, f.i. in Chapter 13 (about Leadership, see /en/table-of-contents/leadership/leadership-ideas), and then in the Section related to “Implementing Promising Community Interventions” (particularly Chapters 20, 21, 22, see /en/table-of-contents/implement/provide-information-enhance-skills and following).
Interesting papers are published in American Journal of Community Psychology, and in Journal of Community Psychology, f.i. Mortensen L.L., Foster-Fishman P., Harfst S., Hockin S., Warsinske K. and Abdullah K. (2014). Leadership through a Youth Lens: Understanding Youth Conceptualizations of Leadership. Journal of Community Psychology, Vol. 42 (4): 447–462.
There is another journal, which may be interesting for you, that is Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.
Hoping that these suggestions would be useful for you,
many compliments for your work, and best greetings!