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Question: We are running a Rehab in Pretoria south africa what we want to do is involved community leaders and organasations to help us to get our foot in the door of mines to send either there people for rehab or sponsor a certain lot of people from that specific community where he or she is from.
Thank you for your question about how to engage community leaders and organizations in encouraging miners to participate in your program. The Community Tool Box (CTB) offers some guidance for engagement and increasing participation that you could adapt and apply to your efforts. Several CTB resources may be particularly helpful:
- Troubeshooting Guide #5 There is not enough community participation. /en/not-enough-community-participation This offers guiding questions to consider (e.g., Have we made participation easier or of lower cost?) and links to supports for taking action (e.g., Involving People Most Affected by the Problem).
- Toolkit #8 Increasing Participation and Membership /en/increasing-participation-and-membership This offers an overview of the tasks involved in encouraging participation and links to learning modules in the CTB.
- Toolkit #13 Implementing Social Marketing /en/implement-social-marketing-effort This offers an overview of the tasks involved in encouraging use of programs and links to learning modules in the CTB.
- CTB Chapter 7, Section 6: Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative /en/table-of-contents/participation/encouraging-involvement/key-influentials/main
- CTB Chapter 7, Section 7: Engaging People Most Affected by the Problem /en/table-of-contents/participation/encouraging-involvement/engage-those-affected/main
- CTB Chapter 7, Section 8: Identifying and Analyzing Stakeholders and Their Interests /en/table-of-contents/participation/encouraging-involvement/identify-stakeholders/main
These resources are free, and we encourage you to make good use of them in your efforts to encourage people to participate in your program
Question Date: Thu, 02/01/2024