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Ask an Advisor Answers
We are going to promote health and prevent diseases in the slum areas, in a simple table form, can you send me the operational model we should use and the most effective way to mobilize the community?
Dear Shamim, Thanks you for writing to the Community Tool Box. The goal of promoting health and preventing disease in a slum area is a significant challenge. We are so glad that you are willing to tackle that challenge. The Tool Box is actually set up to help you follow a straight forward process for addressing these very large issues. The section entitled: ”How do we begin taking action in the community?” will be good place to start: /en/get-started Here’s a simple model for taking action you can use, to give you some general guidance. For each point below you’ll find more details in the toolkits and other resources in the bulleted points below. Best wishes for success as you work to bring about positive change in your community! Begin by learning what issues matter to the community, and what resources may be available. Planning provides overall direction on the road that leads from where things are now to where we hope they will be. It can be helpful for a group to develop a clear vision, a mission statement, objectives, strategies, and an action plan. An Overview of Strategic Planning or “VMOSA:” (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans) You have identified something that you and your community care about, and it is time to take action. This involves mobilizing people around the effort and implementing some sort of intervention. How do you know that your initiative is working? It’s important to monitor what is happening and make adjustments as necessary. Some important work has been started. How do you keep your efforts going? Please let us know if we can be of more help.
Question Date:
Thu, 04/03/2014