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Sorry- this is part 2 of my previous question... what I am trying to accomplish is a community network analysis which shows all the all the organizations, coalitions, agencies etc who deals with health within our community to determine who is out there and the connectedness between everyone. Do you know of any software that does this sort of network mapping? Or best practices around this also? My first questions were: "Hi, I am trying to conduct an environmental scan (or community analysis) of all the organizations, coalitions, agencies etc who deals with health within our community to determine who is out there and the connectedness between everyone. Are there best practices around doing a community scan? Are there surveys available? How can we best get this information?" Sorry for the confusion. Thanks
Hello, I would suggest first examining the websites underneath the Databases of Best Practices on the CTB website. These links will help you find agencies or people you can contact to see if they are willing to share their instruments. Good luck!
Question Date:
Wed, 04/14/2010