Guestbook entries

First Name: GODWIN
Last Name: TIETAAH
City/Town: TAMALE
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I have been teaching for the past twenty years and it suffice to say that, half of my working life has been with adolescents. I currently pursue a course in Community Health and Development in the University for Development Studies in Ghana as a Master's student and my reason for running this course is to help change my small community for the better through youth/adolescent empowerment in reproductive health related issues, for tomorrows future depends on today's youth.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I was introduced to this website by my astute lecturers of the Community Health and Development department of the University for Development Studies in Ghana, and as a teacher in the basic/second cycle level and a student of Community Health and Development, my interest is in the health of adolescents in general and their reproductive health in particular.
The CTB has armed me with all the tools needed to strengthen me and make me become more resilient and self-reliant in dealing with not just only my interest but other related community challenges.
First Name: KONLAN
City/Town: TAMALE
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a master’s student in Community Health and Development in the University for Development studies Department of Allied Health Sciences; School of Medicine and Health Sciences. I currently work as a registered general nurse with the Tamale Teaching Hospital and licenses under the authority of the Ghana Nurse’s and Midwife’s Council. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing and a diploma in general nursing from the University of Development Studies and the nurses training college Tamale respectively.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Yes I have used the community tool box. Even though am not very versatile in its use, my review of the page and content; I feel this will be a valuable tool box for the day to day activities I intend to carry out in communities. The community tool box seems to me like a one stop point where I can access all the requisite tools necessary for community interventions. The tools are well planned and very adaptable to the Ghanaian situation. I am very happy I found the community tool box kind cutesy Professor Steven. This will be a valuable tool to me as a student and out of school. Thank you.
First Name: Frank
Last Name: Adjei
City/Town: Adansi Hweremoasi
State/Province: Ashanti Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am Frank Adjei with BSc Public Health and MPhil in Community Health and Development.
I have the interest in the health of the people at the deprived community levels and how to assist and empower such people to develop and maintain their own health
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
To collaborate and bring out the community level participation to ensure mobilisation and community ownership
First Name: Austin Gideon
Last Name: Adobasom
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Northern Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
A final year Mphil student in community health and development (sandwich) at the University for Development Studies. I'm of a nutrition background from UDS and the Executive Director of the Optimum Nutrition and Health Consult, an organisation that advocates for healthy lifestyle choices and provides counseling for persons with specific health issues such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The community Tool Box would go a long way to help me better my advocacy skills in championing the paradigm shift in the lifestyle choices and also learn to partner others for greater impact in the health and development in the community.
First Name: Augustina
Last Name: Achigibah
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Northern Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Am a student pursuing Community Health and Development at the University for Development Studies.My desire to work with rural communities and marginalized groups to improve their lives actually inspired me to pursue this program. A particular area of interest to me is adolescent health and development. My desire is to work with adolescents especially young girls to enhance their total development for the future.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Currently, am using the section on starting a youth/mentor ship group. I want to start a mentor ship program dubbed 'sister2sister' for senior high school girls in one or two selected schools in Tamale. The objective of this is to enhance the development of young girls in the areas of education, building self-esteem/confidence, career development guidance, sexual health and decision making and leadership skills.This section is giving me insight on how to start the program.
First Name: Helen Kupoka
Last Name: Abeongo
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Northern Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an ICT teacher by profession teaching at a senior high school in Tamale, Ghana. I am currently an Msc. student pursuing a course in Community Health and Development in the University for Development Studies.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
For literature search
For course assignments
For report writing
For planing
First Name: David
Last Name: Aladago
City/Town: Tamale
State/Province: Nothern Region
Country: Ghana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I work with ADDRO (an NGO in Ghana) as a Behaviour Change Officer. I am also a student of the University for Development Studies; studying community health and development.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I will soon be carrying out a my thesis research in some communities in the Upper East Region. I do sincerely want to give something (feedback/information) back to the communities when the study is complete. The Community Tool Box has offered me the perfect guide on how to do so.
I have also found that the CTB has a superior guide to developing competitive grant proposals; I will surely make the CTB website known to my employing organisation and my co-workers.
First Name: Bill
Last Name: Steimel
City/Town: Fond du Lac
State/Province: Wisconsin
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I work with rural communities to help them build a sustainable economic system.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Just found your website - I will let you know.
First Name: AMOAH
State/Province: BOLGATANGA
Country: GHANA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Terri
Last Name: Johnson
City/Town: Lakeland
State/Province: FL
Country: Polk
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a student at USF in Tampa studying Population Health
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Providing statistical reserch
First Name: Loraine
Last Name: Wyatt
City/Town: Troy
State/Province: OH - Ohio
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Student at Antioch University Midwest- Human Services/Grant writer
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Hoping that the tool box will help me expand on ideas for new grant writing opportunities.
First Name: tangie
Last Name: wilson
City/Town: decatur
State/Province: Georgia
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a project manager with steps toward the future. We focus on advocacy, educational and preventive services for teens.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Using the information to help take action.
First Name: Abeni
Last Name: Reynolds
City/Town: Columbia
State/Province: Maryland
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Survey Center Manager working with reports and statistics of our survey panels and research. Recently, I was asked about my grant writing abilities. I really had not done this before. So, I am writing to inquire if it is possible to send a HARD COPY of the Tool Box for Grant Writing. I have reviewed on line but do not have the time either at work or home to spend that much time online.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
If you are able to send me a hard copy, I can work at it little by little to educate myself to become a grant writer and expand our business. Thank You.
First Name: Georgia
Last Name: Youngblood-Bey
City/Town: Southfield
State/Province: Michigan (MI)
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a doctoral student and I am now researching on the topic I am interested in, and that is diabetes. Many friends and family members I know has this disease. I am researching to find out why this disease exists. And how I can help communities across the nation who has this disease. I know that being educated on the subject is one and what method can I use to do research?
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Lisa
Last Name: Ash Sublett
City/Town: Lenexa
State/Province: Kansas
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a patient's rights advocate working in support of Kansas SB9: The Cannabis Compassionate Care Act. I am a mother to 7. I have worked in marketing/promotions/advertising for over 16 years but my passions are history and cultural anthropology. I am going back to school in Fall for a Public Administration degree from KU. I am hosting a rally on May 17th to support the cannabis act, Bleeding Kansas 2014 (Facebook group), and I am so grateful to have found your wonderful site.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I have already downloaded all your power points, and shared all pertinent pages with my Bleeding Kansas Protest Facebook group. This information will be invaluable in the coming months. I will be using your petition checklist tomorrow as call and get all the needed information to make sure the petition we will starting, asking for the act to be put to a public vote, is completely solid. I am so grateful to have found you!! Thank you so much. We have so many patients whose lives are in the balance. We lost a precious 18 month old this year. We have many other patients still waiting. It is imperative we do all we can, and also that we do it in the correct, and most effective manner.
First Name: Rob
Last Name: Assels
City/Town: River John
State/Province: Nova Scotia
Country: Canada
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
We are a rural community in northern Nova Scotia (pop. 1,000). Predominantly farming, fishing and forestry. We have a good volunteer base, but a rapidly aging population. We have a fair amount of diversity, generally in the area of contractors and tourism/cottager support businesses. Our environment is relatively pristine - no big industry. Federal, provincial and municipal governments are no longer able to provide services at the level they previously could.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We just found your website and it provides us with most of the tools we feel we need to strengthen the ties that bind so that we can become more resilient and self-reliant. Fortunately, we are launching a quarterly community newspaper and will use it to promote participation in our asset mapping exercise. Each issue will solicit support in identifying the various assets (physical, social and personal) we have so we can determine where the gaps are. Thanks for helping a small community!
First Name: Donna
Last Name: Hand
City/Town: Willcox
State/Province: Arizona
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I had done self-help groups on various topics here in south eastern Arizona in the pass. I have mental issues myself and find peer groups help me maintain a positive attitude toward myself and how I perceive the world around me. Is also a great way in creating alternative perceptions, alternative solutions to similar reoccurring events, and learn new ways to advocacy for each other and individually. It has been several years since I was involved in peer support and find my mental status becoming fragile and shaky. When I feel I cannot influence or control numerous events in my life; especially the way people treat me (after years of therapy), it occurred to me my attitude or perception has become negative. I lack hope and faith in living a better life. I must not be using alternatives in solving these similar reoccurring events; nor am I using alternative perspectives. It is time to facilitate a self-help peer support group, since there are none available here.
I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress severe enough that serious mental illness was attached. There is a debate over whether I have Borderline personalty or Complex-PTSD. I disagree with the borderline personalty (rural mental health center) and agree with Complex-PTSD (my therapist, I was seeing outside the rural mental health center).
Another factor is the policy changes that are occurring which is putting physical and mental health care together puts primary care physicians at the fore-front of mental health issues and potentially access to mental health programs even a worse problem in rural areas because of the lack of choices in physicians' or facilitators of various programs.
Additional factor is that the majority of rural communities cultural differences are extremely diverse and lack major perspective similarities from one to another.
Last factor is wanting to return to obtain my Bachelors degree in psychology. I have five classes to go however have failed Abnormal Psychology twice and withdraw 3 times; I need to overcome this issue.
Noteworthy points:
1- Our rural mental health centers use a more authoritative approach because most individuals are mandated by the court to use these facilities. They put people who volunteer to enter groups, treatment or therapy in these programs. One program does not fix everyone. (I am volunteer.)
2- My personal experience is that the majority of rural mental health centers lack programs that are client-oriented programs rather than court-oriented programs. Peer support groups are rare.
3- Client-oriented programs vs court-oriented programs
*Client-oriented programs are designed in a way that the service is non-compliant if the client does not like the facilities groups, treatment, or therapy, as well as, the facilitators' behavior, attitude, attendance, or performance. The service works for the client similar to an advertising service works for a business.
**Court-oriented programs are designed in a way that the client is non-compliant if the facilitator does not like the client's behavior, attitude, attendance, or performance. Service is provided for the client to meet courts requirements and service must uphold court regulations.
4-Equality is an excellent perspective; however, individuals unique differences can be overlooked, consequently individuals become objects in the process. People have different perceptions of people, events, and items attached to emotions. Objects lack perceptions nor possess emotions that are processed without differences, this makes object's performance the priority than than the object its self.
Note: You can quote me and have my permission to do so!! You can also use my name!
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am looking for new topics for self-help peer support group relevant to solving every day issues that attack a person's self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence.
Alternative approaches to resolving interactions with dealing with government programs, the continual policy changes, overwhelming increasing paperwork, and being treated like an object rather than a person. Learning and teaching now to advocate for one's self.
Alternative approaches to resolving interactions with family, friends, and the community.
Last but not least alternative perceptions of one's self, others, events, and programs. (As well, past and present behavior or treatment of the mentally ill by individuals in psychology relevant to abnormal psychology).
First Name: Stephen
Last Name: McCoy
City/Town: Minooka
State/Province: Illinois
Country: Will
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a volunteer representative of a group that is helping veterans get jobs. We have some tools in place to recruit veteran job seekers and track their progress, but there is no unified program plan. I am attempting to develop this plan and I consider your site to be one of the better organized plans available.

Please contact me so I can find out more about your plan.

se mccoy
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Americle
Last Name: Fuqua
City/Town: Lincoln
State/Province: Nebraska
Country: United States of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Im in 8th grade. Im amazing. Im beautiful.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
To make a dont do drugs psa.
First Name: Paul
Last Name: Onabanjo
City/Town: Fullerton
State/Province: CA
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am based in Saskatoon, Canada and I am currently pursuing an online Master's degree in Christian Leadership at Hope.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Reference materials for my term and research papers
First Name: Loveneet
Last Name: singh
City/Town: LA
State/Province: NJ
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a physical therapist looking at stepping off toward a MPA. I work at a small local hospital and fellowship at church a half mile down the street. I have been pondering many things but have most recently been thinking in terms of how to bring my community together to promote family health/support structures in order to decrease crime, morbidity and increase the likelihood of success for our children and community members.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just discovered this site tonight. I live in Southern CA. So far I think this site is amazing and am looking forward to implementing what I can to create positive change in my community.
First Name: prass
Last Name: Prawoto
City/Town: Medan
State/Province: North Sumatera Province
Country: Indonesia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a social activist and I having been working in the area of social issues covering from remote and urban areas, since 1985. In the last 10 years I have been dealing a lot with child and women protection issues, advocacy of child's and women's rights, community managed disaster risk reduction and providing a wide range of training service on the issues I mentioned to some NGO staff in my areas and of the government and non government.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just came across today your website and I believe it would be of wonderful help.
First Name: SMSgt Hernan
Last Name: Berrios
City/Town: San Juan
State/Province: PR
Country: Puerto Rico
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
The Puerto Rico National Guard Civil Operations Program provides coaching and technical assistance to community anti-drug coalitions in Puerto Rico. We help community leaders develop and maintain alcohol, tobacco, and other substances abuse prevention coalitions to ensure our youth a drug free environment. Specifically, we provide support in the SPF's essential processes, collaborate with local authorities in their prevention initiatives and also support local universities in their prevention efforts.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The CTB provides an entire menu and outstanding variety of tools easy to use and understand. It is a rich and unique source of references for community work.
First Name: Pamela
Last Name: Role
City/Town: Bangalore
State/Province: Karntaka
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am CEO at Commercial Office Bangalore. Being entrepreneur, I used to learn a lot from online things.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
It provides a real experience as well as some skills too.
First Name: colleen
Last Name: simpson
City/Town: cairns
State/Province: qld
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a social worker and I have the experience of caring for a daughter with a mental illness. We have just started a peer support carers group and I am interested in seeking advice and community building in the mental health sector in rural and remote areas.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I have only found this site and not sure how to use it for my knowledge.
First Name: Zaheer
Last Name: Abbas
City/Town: Washington
State/Province: DC
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a civil society activist from Pakistan and one of the next generation leaders of McCain Institute. My work and expertise is about mainstreaming masculinities into research and violence prevention programs and engaging men and boys for gender equality and peace building. My areas of interest are gender, masculinities, religion, culture, counter terrorism and human development.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I refer to this excellent resource from time to time when needed and have referred to several organizations and development experts in Pakistan and United States. It has quality information that one needs in community development programs / initiatives. I would recommend it to organizations, no matter small or large to benefit from this excellent free resource.
First Name: Simon Peter
Last Name: Achaitum
City/Town: Kampala
State/Province: Outside U.S.
Country: Uganda
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a social entrepreneur targeting to build a healthy community and bring about a social change.
This is a start-up and still on an Idea stage.
I hold an advanced certificate of Education. I am happily married with 15 dependents.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am very happy to find this tool box and I send my appreciation. This, for a very long time I have been struggling to find; thank you so much for exemplary good work.
However, I intend to create a social enterprise targeting working to build healthy community and bring about a social change. I am looking at how better I can prepare my community to work together to change conditions that affect their lives. My community (the Iteso) had a pride over their cows and this was their bank; it was a source of school fees and general well being of the community. Between 1986 to 1993, the Iteso lost their pride to cattle rustlers. The Iteso now rely on subsistence farming as a source of their general well being including school fees for their children. Through universal primary/secondary education, Educational standards have gone down as compared to years before 1986. Recent poverty statistics show 54% of the Iteso community are below poverty line. Based on the data provided, I hope to succeed.
First Name: michele
Last Name: gilbert
City/Town: Palm Coast
State/Province: FL
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:

The Mission/Purpose of the Young Adult Ministry (YAM) of Daytona, Inc is to empower the young people of Daytona Beach and its surrounding cities to be World-Changers. We focus on nurturing young people’s development and equipping young leaders with social and economic tools and building their tangible life skills.


The Vision of the Young Adult Ministry (YAM) of Daytona Inc. is to become a community based organization that will be a catalyst of change in the youth of the Volusia and its surrounding counties. We envision the young people we serve to bring positive change to their communities, develop leadership skills, engage in mentoring relationships and cultivate personal and collective growth.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I was looking for information on launching a new Non Profit
First Name: Robinn
Last Name: Jones Leonard
City/Town: Cincinnati
State/Province: Ohio
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Ohio working with at-risk teen parents
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: A. Prof. Nasir
Last Name: Malik
City/Town: Islamabad
Country: Pakistan
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Institute of Communications is a part of Message®. We believe in Message of Life & Message of Peace.
Vision: Message® is a non-profit civil society organization committed for the empowerment of people to create an enabling, socially just, democratic and humane society in Pakistan and around the world.
MMission: Our "Mission" is to contribute towards minimizing human suffering and social injustice through advocacy, communication, education, participation and capacity building.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I just came across your website and as a philanthropist I found it very interesting and useful.
I really appreciate your work.
Nasir Malik, Chief Campaigner, Message®, Islamabad, Pakistan
First Name: Terry
Last Name: Dashner
City/Town: Tulsa
State/Province: OK
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Using your information on team building for partnerships
First Name: Bertron
Last Name: Cowan
City/Town: Itta Bena
State/Province: MS
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
The only grocery store serving Itta Bena, MS the Woody Grocery Store, Closed approximately five (5) years ago in downtown. The closest stories now located in Greenwood some ten (10.7m) miles away. Needless to say, the distance causes some hardship, especially for those persons and families without their own transportation. This situation also contributes to the food desert, a place underserved by a full service grocery store within walking distance.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Several groups, including the Mayor of Itta Bena, joined in the effort to develop an organization to provide food items to the local community. we are now a consortium of community leaders, concerned citizens, and city and counties entities. Some of the current organizations involved includes: The City of Itta Bena, Greenwood-Leflore Industrial Board, Leflore County Board of Supervisors, and Mid-Delta Investment Club. Other Community Stakeholders invited to Partnership with our continuing effort are: 1. 2. Foundation for the Mid-South 3. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Memphis Branch and 4. Mississippi valley State University. Next Step: We are currently planning a "Building Collaborative Communities" Workshop. The Community Tool Box- Chapter 13 Section 11 Collaborative Leadership Ideas will be presented to our listing audience. Thank you. Community Tool Box.
First Name: Kenzie
Last Name: Larker
City/Town: Coffeyville
State/Province: Kansas
Country: U.S.A.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I love helping people and raising money for cancer and poor people. I recently had a friend that has walked coast to coast 7 times his whole family had died in a car wreck his name is Todd I don't know his last name. The only thing he has in his name is a dog named Patches and a backpack.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I think it will give more people an idea of what we are doing. I also want to get more people raising money for cancer, and I would like to raise over $900.00 .
First Name: Dr. Shoaib
Last Name: Ahmed
City/Town: Islamabad
State/Province: Punjab
Country: Pakistan
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Ph. D & Post Doctorate foreign qualified educationist & development sector specialist with proven knowledge and experience in Conflict/Dispute Resolution systems, with a special emphasis on ADR program design and development for the past 9 years. I provide technical assistance to public and private sectors, nationally and internationally including SAP-Pakistan, worked in FATA/PATA through their CAPD program etc.
Began dispute resolution/mediation career with an organization working for BMEs in London after doing post doctorate research at University of Bradford West Yorkshire, England; also served as ADR Consultant to the Patron, Anchor Law Associate Islamabad Pakistan and served as ADR Specialist for some renowned chambers of both lower and higher judiciary in Pakistan.
I provide assistance to clients through consultation, training, organizational development, project management and related services and is committed to providing community service; worked with organizations such as National Defence College, National University of Sciences and Technology, Quaid – i – Azam University, Islamabad Pakistan, SAP Pakistan, Institute of Rural Management, NRSP, RSPN, ZTBL. IBP, National Police Academy; he has also served as a volunteer Chief Executive Officer of Socio – Legal Anchors Foundation Islamabad. I holds (2) Master Degree’s in Political Science and Education Planning & Management, Ph. D in Pakistan Studies with research work on Conflict Resolution and Post Doctorate in Development & Economics from University of Bradford, UK and speaks fluent English and Urdu and working knowledge of Sindhi and Pushto.
Expert in proposal writing and fundraising strategies, advocacy & capacity building initiatives, trainings consultancy, event organization networking/communication. Having strong links into public sector organizations, able to liaise with PR staff, sharing data for press releases, annual reports and campaigns in the field of public policy, non conventional security, peace & conflict management and alternate dispute resolution. Able to use analytical skills and prior experience for supporting development initiatives and produce strategic and operational analysis.
Analytical strategic thinker adept at quick problem identification and solutions, efficiently handling multiple projects under strict time constraints while consistently reducing expenditures. Experienced in preparing reports on project activities for stakeholders.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Being a development sector professional and an academician I must say this esteemed resource is organized in such a candid manner that it is extremely useful for both beginners and practitioners. Some time individuals have plenty of field experience to talk about different concepts but while writing the manuscript often one gets distracted. This resource keeps me on track while doing all sorts of activities. I must appreciate the wonderful effort in designing and maintaining this paradise for development practitioners.
First Name: David
Last Name: Richmond
City/Town: Bristol
State/Province: Bristol
Country: United Kingdom
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm interested in arts and social justice. I provide strategic approaches to creative development that help people use the arts for personal, organisational and community development.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I've just discovered the tool box and am extremely impressed! I am putting together a 'guide to creative capability development' that will help people help each other to fulfil their creative potential. I expect I'll be pointing people towards the Tool Box and encouraging people to apply the tools in their practice.
First Name: Noah
Last Name: Chongo
City/Town: Lusaka
State/Province: Lusaka
Country: Zambia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a development practitioner working with an NGO mentioned above. We are working with communities in wash activities.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
not yet, but looking forward to learn it more.
First Name: Sheila
Last Name: Sutton
City/Town: Arlington
State/Province: Texas
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Thank you for documenting all of this wonderful information on mentoring!
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Luis
Last Name: Hernandez
City/Town: Kalamazoo
State/Province: MI
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Graduate student attending Western Michigan University studying towards a Master of Social Work!!
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am currently a beginner, I accidentally stumbled upon the CTB while looking for sources related to social service providers increasing cultural sensitivity. So far the contents of the CTB are amazing. My search took me directly to Chapter 27.
First Name: jeffylo
Last Name: joe
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Community tool box gives complete info about community-building skills. It is very helpful for me.
First Name: nitin
Last Name: kumar
City/Town: New Delhi
State/Province: India
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
hi i m nitin kumar . i m parsuing bca .
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
for sheare knowledge
First Name: Lance
Last Name: Carlson
City/Town: Garland
State/Province: Texas
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Not sure yet
First Name: Dave
Last Name: Gibson
City/Town: Port of Spain
Country: Trinidad
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a businessman that is involve with a charity organization (Lions International) that is heavily focus in the improvements in communities, especially at risk communities. I will like to learn more about your CTB to see how it can make us more effective in what we do.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am learning about it and will like to see how best I can use it in helping integrate a particular high risk and challenging community in Trinidad. I will appreciate what help we can get in getting started.
First Name: David
Last Name: Fan
City/Town: Manitowoc
State/Province: Wisconsin
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a student
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Really Community Tool Box is very much helpful. it greatly support on my work.
First Name: María
Last Name: Sandín Vázquez
City/Town: Alcalá de Henares
State/Province: Madrid
Country: España
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Health Promotion teacher
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
In my classes
First Name: Curtis
Last Name: Buthe
City/Town: Portland
State/Province: OR
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Husband to Ana, for 29 years. Proud dad to 3 world-changer daughters and one foster-son. Pastor to Cedar Hills for 19 years; school volunteer, Board member with Love INC which strives to connect people and churches to impact poverty in our community.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Using toolboxes and the amazing resources to better connect local churches in our community to help people help each other.
First Name: Babasaheb
Last Name: Tandale
City/Town: Pune
State/Province: Non-US/Non-Canadian
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Currently implementing community surveillance project.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Learning and training colleagues.
First Name: steven
Last Name: mangram
City/Town: dallas
State/Province: Texas
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a 25 year veteran of the transportation Industry. I have served this country as a professional commercial motor vehicle operator, trainer and have adopted into positions of leadership by my fellow drivers. I have always spoken up for drivers rights and in some cases to my own detriment. Over the last couple of years particularly with the implementation of new laws and regulations, my fellow drivers have been approaching me once again to take a leadership role in expressing their heart felt concerns about the direction our beloved industry has taken. I have begun to seriously look into options that would allow me to convey said concerns and to add weight to effect real changes.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am new to the Community Tool Box, and must say, that this site has made the most sense. Frankly, It makes the advocacy component seem extremely doable.
I need more information as to how to implement much of what is covered.
First Name: BILLY
Last Name: NIEHAUS
State/Province: IN
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Kathy
Last Name: Duke
City/Town: Columbus
State/Province: OH
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Nursing graduate student
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
It is one of the resources that Capital professor, Kathleen Lux PhD, RN-BC, CHES uses in her course, Program Development in a Changing Health Care System.
First Name: Gerry
Last Name: Karr
City/Town: Penticton
State/Province: BC
Country: Canada
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a retired internist-nephrologist who spent many years looking after people with preventable chronic illness. My retirement project is to champion a better way of promoting - and achieving - a culture of wellness in our region (the Okanagan Similkameen). I am convinced that one key element of success will be to shift the guiding paradigm from primary prevention (= harm avoidance) to wellness promotion (= reward pursuit). Pull instead of push, if you will.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am now the President of the Okanagan Similkameen Healthy Living Society, which is the convener for our regional Coalition. We are still in our formative stage and going through the process of clarifying our identity, scope, governance model, organizational structure and strategic plan - as well as solving the funding dilemma for a start-up .