Guestbook entries

First Name: Peter
Last Name: Giacobbi
City/Town: Gainesville
State/Province: Florida
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I will be at UK Feb. 6 and 7 as a candidate for the assistant professor position in the Department of Applied Behavioral Science and the Institute for Life Span Studies.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Primarily as a researcher but also as a community liason for joint programs between KU and community organizations/people in the greater Lawrence area.
City/Town: Pereira
State/Province: Risaralda
Country: Colombia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Dios los bendiga por esta oportunidad que brindan de ayudar a fundaciones y paises como el de nosotros que tiene tanta problematica en la ninez, en las mujeres y los ancianos, trabajamos con nuestra fundacion FIRES en prevencion de drogodependencia para ninos, maltrato intrafamiliar y con el grupo de la tercera edad, pero aqui en nuestra poblacion es muy dificil hacer el trabajo por que los recursos casi siempre son canalizados hacia las mismas personas y nos ha tocado trabajar en colegios, comunas y barrios casi gratis, pero realmente es muy dificil trabajar asi.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Que nos tengan en cuenta, nuestra fundacion ya tiene 5 anos, estamos legalmente registrados, tenemos pacto de transparencia con la alcaldia de Pereira, queremos trabajar es nuesto mayor deseo vr uno ninos mas saludables, hogares mas integros y ancianos mas felices
First Name: natividad
Last Name: garcia alvarez
City/Town: gijon
State/Province: Asturias
Country: Espana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
psicologa clinica, despacho privado
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
como formadora cree que me ayudara, aun no lo he visualizado.
First Name: Madeleine
Last Name: O'Sullivan
City/Town: Limerick
State/Province: County Limerick
Country: Republic of Ireland
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Postgraduate student studying for an MA in Peace and Development in the University of Limerick. Using resources to complete a community development project.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Excellent resource. It would be great if you could show some real examples from ongoing or previously undertaken community development projects from various communities.
First Name: Sylvia
Last Name: Millsap
City/Town: Sulphur Springs
State/Province: Texas
Country: Hopkins
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I work for the state health department. I am currently working a project to help start up coalitions in our community.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I like the idea that it is on the internet and I can just refer the tool box for information to help guide me.
First Name: Rose
Last Name: Jemimah
City/Town: Nakuru
State/Province: Rift Valley
Country: Kenya
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a married lady who is a Sociology Lecturer at Med Training College in Nku and very interested in community development issues.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I use the info to teach my students and also to gather more knowledge since I plan to open a poverty-alleviating NGO in the near future.
First Name: Spring
Last Name: Allison
City/Town: Amarillo
State/Province: TX
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Primary Prevention Coordinator for Family Support Services in Amarillo.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The information that CTB has provide has given me a great start to what seems to be a difficult process. It has given me a guide to get started.
First Name: Carlos
Last Name: Santos-Burgoa
City/Town: Mexico
State/Province: DF, Mexico
Country: Mexico
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Director General de Promocion de la Salud
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
con nuestros promotores de la salud
First Name: Theresa
Last Name: Chandler
City/Town: Orangeburg
State/Province: South Carolina
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Community outreach nurse in a rural area.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Excellent resource for writing grants and general information.
First Name: Jones
Last Name: Mpakateni
Country: Other
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am in Health Communication/Public Health with more than 15years community dev experience in Africa and lately in Asia
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I would use CTB as a resource material
First Name: Erlinda
Last Name: Saw
City/Town: Berlin
Country: Germany
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am presently taking an on-line training in social management hoping to get involved with non-profits.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The CTB has helped me a lot when I was working as adviser to the Lae City government in Papua New Guinea. I used the materials in training the local leadership of the six districts to develop their plans and projects to develop their communities. Right now I'd like to use it here in Berlin, Germany. I'll see if it will also work out good here. Indeed the CTB has improved and it is now easier to navigate. Thank you.
First Name: Sue
Last Name: Basta
City/Town: Georgetown
State/Province: Ohio
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Educational Programs Coordinator for HEALTH-UC,the outreach center of the University of Cincinnati AHEC Program
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Have used it over the past 6-8 years with various community health promotion programs and Coalitions. Really find it helpful and I really like the new set-up! Thanks so much!
First Name: Heila
Last Name: Jooste
City/Town: Nelspruit
State/Province: Mpumalanga
Country: Other
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Provincial Manager for Health Promotion in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I have just received the e-mail and was amazed at the quality and quantity of infomration available. I will most definately make use of this service in the future.
First Name: jolene
Last Name: edwards
City/Town: visalia
State/Province: California
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First Name: Johan
Last Name: Van Tonder
City/Town: Johannesburg
State/Province: Gauteng
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Architect in South Africa involved with developing Intentional Community /Missionary station in rural areas for previously disadvantaged people who needs poverty alleviation assistance.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
For general research and startup problems.
First Name: Karen
Last Name: Schalker
City/Town: kansas city
State/Province: Missouri
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
NCADD-KC Prevention Specialist
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Overview and introduction of tool to C2000 teams in Cass and Jackson Coutnies, MO.
First Name: Steven
Last Name: Nimmo
City/Town: Toronto
State/Province: Ontario
Country: Canada
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Harm reduction Worker working at Eva's Satellite Youth Shelter. I deal with youth 16yr to 24yr who have substance issues.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I find the information usful in a day to day approach and will pass this along to my co-workers.
First Name: Christina
Last Name: Bentch
City/Town: Brooklyn
State/Province: New York
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Communtiy Organizing student at the Hunter College School of Social Work.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
What would be great to see more of is how to execute certain tasks as they relate to the tactics of the overall strategy. How do you exactly (FOIL)information --Freedom of information act? How do you organize a press conference? How do you get papers to pick-up your press release? Organizers have a difficult time navigating the esoteric tidbits. The CTB is an awsome resource, I plan to spread the word. Please don't stop with the great work you are putting into the Community toolbox!
First Name: Cynthia
Last Name: Moon
City/Town: Dayton
State/Province: OH
Country: US
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I have recently accepted the position of Sickle Cell Outreach and Newborn Screening Coordinator for The West Central Ohio Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am using CTB to gain insight for planning, organizing and running an effective advisory committee.
First Name: Tilton
Last Name: Davis
City/Town: Red Wing
State/Province: MN
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am the Sexual Assault Multidisciplinary Action Response Team (SMART) Coordinator for Goodhue County, MN. I have been in the position for about 6 months, and am working with about 25 community professionals to write a Community Needs Assessment in 1-2 years. My Team represents five County disciplines: advocacy, corrections, law enforcement, medical, and legal (County Attorney). The goal is to create Best Practices protocols for the five professional groups in order to achieve our misssion: The Goodhue County SMART fosters a unified interagency, survivor centered, and culturally competent response to those experiencing sexual violence.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am gathering information to better understand basic assessment processes, terminology, and crticial evaluation methodology.
First Name: Thembile
Last Name: Mohlonyane
City/Town: Pretoria (Tshwane)
State/Province: Gauteng
Country: South Africa
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am busy trying to roll out a project to relieve hardships of the poor in the country.I am an acting secretary of an organisation dealing with this kind of prblems,without any skills I may not be able to succeed.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Ever since I found the site,I have been able to see issues that were actually hindering my progress and am now able to focus on the bigger picture and not on challenges.I am busy setting up the systems to move forward and the site is very helpful when it comes to capacity building,the basics.
First Name: Jane
Last Name: Goodwin
City/Town: Watertown
State/Province: New York
Country: United States
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a single mother of a teenage boy. I have a horrible disease that will continue to get worse for the rest of my life. I have a college degree I'll never get to use because of my disease so I do my best to be a good mom.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I would like to find a way to get my disease(chronic regional pain syndrome) noticed. Millions of people have the disease and are miss diagnossed or left feeling all alone. I want to find a way to help.
First Name: Cretus
Last Name: Kapato
City/Town: NDOLA
State/Province: Copperbelt Province
Country: ZAMBIA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Vice Principal at a centre providing skills to persons with disabilities. I am a wheelchair user.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
If most of the articles could be in PDF format that would help a lot.
First Name: Juan Jose
Last Name: Garcia
City/Town: Cochabamba
State/Province: Cercado
Country: Bolivia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Hola amigos soy PSicologo comunitario, estoy intersado en aprender mas acerca del empleo de de esta, en al intervencion comunitaria en mi region.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
me gustaria aplicarla en al promcion y el desarrollo de mi comundad, si es que se de la oprtunidad, creo que una caja muy importante, sobre todo muy rica en herramientas qeu son utiles. Gracias, sigan adelante.
First Name: Clarence
Last Name: Begay
City/Town: Rock Point
State/Province: Arizona
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Been a teacher for 10 years, and for the last 13 years as school administrator in different capacity, currently, my roles is Federal/Grants Director.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I would use CTB as another tool to get resources/ideas.
First Name: Terry
Last Name: Fountain
City/Town: Jacksonville
State/Province: Florida
Country: USA
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
My husband & I pastored for 30 years before his health broke. In our late 60's, we started a public 501(c)(3) charity called Gleaners Dispatch, Inc. eight years ago, to rescue ("glean") excess fresh bread and fresh produce from area from the docks of area wholesale vendors and re-distribute ("dispatch") it free of charge to families in need (single parents, senior citizens, under-employed, etc).
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
We get no govt funding, and have a crew of 200+ unpaid volunteers that make over 75 gleaning trips with our 3 old trucks and 4 old vans every week. We gave away over $3.5 million wholesale value fresh food to over 220,000 last year - we are ALWAYS looking for ways to raise our operational funding to defray the costs of distribution. We do not charge for food, but we need to learn how to "get the word out of our need" for operational support. I look forward to reading everything you have on your site, and seeing if there is anything we can do to help other groups while learning ourselves.
First Name: Mark
Last Name: Crowson
City/Town: Fort Leavenworth
State/Province: KS
Country: US
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a retired soldier now working as an educator with the Combined Arms Center's Center for Army Leadership (CAL)
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I came across the CTB while I was looking for ways CAL might be able to help or partner with KU. You have a great many useful tools here. Many of them are very similar to tools the Army uses to lead our people and manage our resources. The differences between your approaches and mine are valuable to me in that they broaden my perspective. I think there are opportunities for partnership between CAL and KU in some of the areas addressed in the CTB. I hope we can explore them. Congratulations on a great-looking site! Mark 913 758-3035
First Name: Danesh
Last Name: Kumar
City/Town: Kalpetta
Country: India
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am working in a rural area of India, promoting appropriate Technologies.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
To be used for training of Local Farmers to shift over to Organic Farming.
First Name: Sheila
Last Name: Johnson
City/Town: Phoenix
State/Province: Arizona
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a Diversity Training Specialist for a non-profit organization.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The CTB is a valuable resource in that I obtain excellent information to share with participants in my workshops. THANK YOU!!!
First Name: Anne
Last Name: Roux
City/Town: St. Louis
State/Province: Missouri
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am involved in grassroots advocacy to improve the lives of persons with developmental disabilities.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
The toolbox articles that I have are invaluable. Can the entire set of articles be purchased? I'm not sure what year they were written, but I obtained a copy in 2005 through the Missouri Partners in Policymaking program. Please advise
First Name: Linda
Last Name: Wiley
City/Town: Lawrence
State/Province: Kansas
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Full-time KU Administrative Associate, attending graduate school in International Studies, one course per semester
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am looking at it for potential to apply to my MA research. How, for example, in another country, African or Caribbean, its use could be followed.
First Name: Kathy
Last Name: Merkh
City/Town: Norfolk
State/Province: Virginia
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
grad student in Cmmuniy Health. I am a RN at a local hospital.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Need information on building a community health project targeting cardiovacular disease
First Name: DEBORAH
Last Name: BERLIN
City/Town: san antonio
State/Province: Texas
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
i am full time worker helping a friend write a grant. i have had grant writing experience in the past but am really rusty..this site has helped us immensely. keep up the good work!!
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
guideline..very detailed but easy to understand
First Name: Ginette
Last Name: Rows
City/Town: Huntington Station
State/Province: Suffolk
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am advocating for Haitians living in the Huntington Community. I am devoted to this community.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Assist me with planning project. I use it as a resource guide for best practice models. Thank You
First Name: Eun Ah
Last Name: Wycoff
City/Town: Inglewood
State/Province: California
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Nursing student at Cal State Long Beach and plan to specialize in public health and or gerontology
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
New visitor and excited to find so many resources. Currently doing my public health rotation at Curtis Tucker Health Center. Utilizing this site for "tools," suggestions, and guidelines for coalition buiding, collaboration, partnering/networking, and community building for young parents in SPA 8. Thank you!
First Name: Erin
Last Name: Art
City/Town: Grayslake
State/Province: Illinois
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a prevention specialist with the Lake County Health Dept in Illinois. We have 9 community coalitions and groups that we work with.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am looking to the community tool box to increase my knowledge about coalition building and more specific skills related to them! Thanks!
First Name: Peg
Last Name: Stevenson
Country: Australia
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
greate site. Doing research for a thesis on corporate volunteering.
First Name: Vanessa
Last Name: Johnson
City/Town: Memphis
State/Province: Tennessee
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a high school teacher working on a Masters Degree in School Counseling.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Starting a community project on character Education.
First Name: Pauline
Last Name: Funk
City/Town: Wilmington
State/Province: Delaware
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Public Policy Director for ContactLifeline's program the Sexual Assault Network of DE
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Best Practices for rape prevention education
First Name: Donald
Last Name: Poindexter
City/Town: Phila.
State/Province: Pennsylvania
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I have recently been appointed to a Community College Advisory Board
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Can a college plan courses to help solve a community problem of a breakdown of the control of the school community.
First Name: Divita
Last Name: Washington
City/Town: Atlanta
State/Province: Georgia
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am an Organizational Development Consultant for Habitat for Humanity International.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I am in the process of developing a literature toolkit for coalition building. This is a wonderful site that provides very detailed information.
First Name: Dorothy
Last Name: Young
City/Town: Battle Creek
State/Province: Michigan
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am retired, after working for the City govt for 25 years, in Housing. I am active in my community to make it better, and my Church.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I can learn how to enhance the skills that I already have.
First Name: Veotria
Last Name: Byrd
City/Town: Chesapeake
State/Province: Virginia
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a second-year graduate student anticipating receipt of a Master's in Public Health.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I plan to use the CTB to assist me in writing my practicum/thesis project. I will be working with local chapters of a national organization, assisting them in identifying community health needs and developing action plans and/or a resource guide for their use in meeting the community's needs.
First Name: Cheryl
Last Name: Belcourt
City/Town: Billings
State/Province: Montana
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Work with Tribes
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I like to see charts and venn diagrams that depict the narrative - not necessarily exclusively, but some are 'visual' learners. Also, are there sample curricula/ums somewhere that provide a snapshot of your extensive and valuable resource?
First Name: Sandra
Last Name: Good
City/Town: Hazard
State/Province: Kentucky
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I serve as Community Liaison for the University of Kentucky Prevention Research Center
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
I'm looking over the sections regarding engaging partners.
First Name: Chidimma
Last Name: Ajayi
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
I am a medical practitioner in Nigeria trying to set up a community based organisation on adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Stumbling on your website, I would say it has almost been the best thing that has happened to me surfing! It has given me a stepwise explanation on the rudiments of setting-up an NGO. Despite its tremendous assistance, I would like to see ready-made sample questionnaires on community assessment. Thank you.
First Name: Brett
Last Name: Sculthorp
City/Town: Asheville
State/Province: North Carolina
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Prevention coordinator focusing on defining community wellness systems.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Plan to ask a lot of questions.
First Name: Gloria Dean
Last Name: Roberts
City/Town: Jackson
State/Province: Mississippi
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Community advocate
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Develop CBPR framework with institution of higher learning--Do you have a workshop curriculum?
First Name: Dina
Last Name: Slusher
City/Town: Galax
State/Province: Virginia
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Executive Director of a local Free Clinic.
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
Haven't seen it yet.
First Name: Vicki
Last Name: Bamman
City/Town: Medford
State/Province: Oregon
Country: United States Of America
Please tell us a little bit about yourself:
Development Director, $350,000+ agency budget
How have you used the Community Tool Box to support your work and make a difference?:
First time visitor.