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Guestbook Entries

The Community Tool Box team greatly appreciates your visit to our site and we'd love to hear from you, and learn more about you and how you are using the resources on the site to support your community work. We encourage you to browse guestbook entries from visitors to our site and while you’re here, encourage you to subscribe to our eNewsletter to keep in touch and learn about new resources as they become available.

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1 Octubre 2013 Fouziah Hoeflinger ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Coordinator of an Inter-disciplinary team for domestic violence- a pilot project. I have been involved in the field for 15 years working with victims of domestic violence.
Looking for evaluation tools and ways to extend the project.
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1 Octubre 2013 Christina Kantor ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Coordinate teen pregnancy prevention initiative
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1 Octubre 2013 amy sayre ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with community coalitions throughout the state of Vermont on the topic of Tobacco Prevention and Cessation.
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1 Octubre 2013 Cindi Kennedy ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am with He Kula Na Mea Hawaii ( A school of things Hawaiian). Our mission is to perpetuate, restore, stabilize and perserve our Hawaiian culture through intergenerational education. We are in the process of expanding our cultural center and are looking for help to complete this project.
I would first like to express my mahalo nui loa (deep thanks) to Dr. Stephen Fawcett for sharing this exceptional website with us at the conference last week in Honolulu. Your website provides the tools necessary for me to work on grant writing and community partnerships. Both topics are of great importance to the success of our projects. You are an exceptional person Dr. Fawcett.
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1 Octubre 2013 Richard Hansen ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Police Captain responsible for securing grant funding for various programs within the Department. I am also involved in our local Healthy Community * Heatlty Youth initiative.
I first visited the site this morning. I found the evaluation format, printed it, and intend to utilize it to help others evaluate programs that we have recently put into place.
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1 Octubre 2013 shay ben-yosef ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the head of the community devlopmant dept. in the israel association of community centers. My moto is: If i don't have my self, what i have? If i'm jast for my self, what i'm for? If not now, when? (hilel)
It my first time to see it. It look very useful. may be i will translate some of yuor matirials for personal use, in my workshops.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 nedra COOK ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have a program (Literacy and the Law. Law students share legal infromation w/our participant, through learning to read legal documents.
I would like to find out if there are organizations or individuals that would like to volunteer, with my program. we are a 501c3
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1 Octubre 2013 Michael O'Hare ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I have been developing, in cooperation with Atchison non-profit organizations, a proposal to establish an Atchison Community Information Network
I've just learned of it. It appears to be a wonderful resource for the agencies involved.
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1 Octubre 2013 AMANDA CAMPOPIANO ,
Who I am Use of CTB
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1 Octubre 2013 jennifer jones ,
Who I am Use of CTB
-district elementary math resource teacher -Accelerated Schools [whole school reform] district coach -Center for Reflective Community Practice (MIT) fellow, 1999-2000 ( -teacher/Prof. Dev. Committee member of The Algebra Project (www.a
to inform my facilitation of whole school reform implementation and community development
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Toni Minor ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Connect Kansas Coordinator for Lawrence Area
Use the resources, articles with research I am doing, along with talks & speeches I am asked to do in connection with Connect Kansas.
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1 Octubre 2013 Pamela Schueler ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Assistant Professor of nursing at the University of Nevada, Reno. Teaching Health Promotion and Community Nursing.
will use the information to teach students and provide resources.
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1 Octubre 2013 om er ,
Who I am Use of CTB
studing in B.Se in software
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1 Octubre 2013 Melville Lilach ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am working in Health Promotion and HIV prevention as a part of Government and non-Gov. organisations in Israel.
It is a very good site which I use mainly to get ideas about explaining community issues, tips for my ongoing work and links to other sites of interest. Thank you for a great site!
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Lisa Perkins ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of health promotion for the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma--- MS in College Teaching with emphasis in Health--Program spans 9 nine districts and fourteen counties --- Staff spend a great deal of time in communities
Searching for information on effective approaches to community mobilization and community development---
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 JoAnn Phillipp ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a program coordinator with the Colorado Dept of Health and a health educator in arthritis and cardiovascular disease. Specialty area is physical activity.
To obtain information, network, etc.
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1 Octubre 2013 vasintha veeran ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I lecture on community work at the University of Natal in Durban. This appears to be a very creative way of imparting information to students.
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1 Octubre 2013 Monica Dufour ,
Who I am Use of CTB
MSW Student, last year
for research and as way to find more resources and about community building for community organizing classes
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1 Octubre 2013 Julie Hill ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a public health nurse in the newly established "Broader Determinants of Health" division at our health department. I'm researching tools that we can use in building capacity for citizens and governments so mutual engagement can occur.
This is my first look!
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1 Octubre 2013 Ilanda Kerobo ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a Community Advocate involved with many outreach programs within my area, I am striving for a better success rate through netwoking
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1 Octubre 2013 Michael Kelley ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Professor of Psychology Hawaii Pacific University just found the site.
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1 Octubre 2013 CHRIS HAWKINS ,
Who I am Use of CTB
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1 Octubre 2013 Allan Linklater ,
Who I am Use of CTB
In the business of building better relations between native and non-natives and the business world in Northern Ontario.
Type of research questions and evalution methods
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1 Octubre 2013 Darcey Lutz ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I run a regional program to reduce bear human conflict. I develope resources and programs to motivate people to live more compatibly with bears.
I just discovered it, so as of yet I really couldn't say.
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1 Octubre 2013 Jillian Larsen ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the community development officer for a rural health service two days a week. The other three days I work as a generalist counsellor for Illawarra Health. This is a community based partnership between health and a community group.I live in the southern highlands about 2 hours south west of Sydney.
As a research/ information tool to inform practice. It is an excellent tool. I have been using it for about 8 months
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1 Octubre 2013 Ann Schroyer ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a MSW student at Boston College. I found this site in preparation for my Social Planning course. It is an excellent resource.
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1 Octubre 2013 Echez Ubaka ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community Development Officer working with community gropus and volunteer groups to develop projects, based on the needs of the local community.
As a reference library and best practice hand book.
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1 Octubre 2013 Michael Strahl ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a Community Development Manager for a six county area in Southern Indiana for USDA Rural Development. I'm also active in Leadership issues for the county I live in.
This is my first visit here, but I hope to get ideas for my communities I serve and to get ideas for Leadership Spencer County.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Randy Rivers ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Superintendent of Schools USD 329 Mill Creek Valley Alma, Maple Hill, Paxico, Kansas
As a member of the Wabaunsee County Prevention Board WE CARE
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 ReNae Singletary ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm a single parent working on an MSW at the University of Utah. I have worked in mental health for about 12 years.
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1 Octubre 2013 joyce mathies ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Branch Librarian at Alma
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1 Octubre 2013 Miguel Alvarez ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Actualmente dirijo programas comunitarios de alimentacion saludable, ejercicio aerobico y lucha antitabaquica. Estoy interesado en conocer informacion en relacion a estos temas.
Para incrementar la cobertura de los programas
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Sarah Weikal ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I work with a community coalition in a rural area of Kansas.
I use the Community Toolbox to access information from other initiatives related to those I am working with.
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1 Octubre 2013 connie converse ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I'm the counselor for a small, rural high school of approximately 200 students.
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1 Octubre 2013 Dina Wingfield ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am visiting the CTB as a guest through our community prevention boards training on how to use the CTB.
Currently, I am just beginning to get a good look around. There is terrific information and I predict that our subcommittee (Parent Education and Public Relations) will be researching the hows, whens,whys that could pertain to us
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1 Octubre 2013 Yin Wei ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, Ohio University Not used yet.
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1 Octubre 2013 Siegrid Belden ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Director of Community-Based Ministries Program, National Ministries of the ABC, USA
Looking for web sites with practical "how to" information to share with local congregations doing outreach ministries.
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1 Octubre 2013 Ann Kendall ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Community Funding and Development Advisor Still processing information
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1 Octubre 2013 Cheri Hartman ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am convening The Family/Youth Development Collaborative for Roanoke with 36 youth serving organizations signed on so far. We will engage other organizations with representation from the faith community, businesses, government, neighborhood associations, schools & nonprofits before we begin the collaborative planning. The purpose is to increase our community's capacity for effective, coordinated and comprehensive family/youth development services for all youth and their families.
I am encouraging our evaluation group to look at your community initiative evaluation logic model. No money will be made using your tools to date. It is just reference or background material. The Community Tool Box looks promising! Thank you.
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1 Octubre 2013 Rick Kingi ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the Chairperson of a newly created Charitable Trust.Our organisation is committed to youth programmes and activities in our region.
By finding out how other organisations around the world are coping and adressing youth issues
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1 Octubre 2013 Agnes Stansfield ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Am a health educator who is interested in setting specific goals for community safety and educating the public, especially children. Example, sidewalks prevent falls for elderly walking on dirt,which may be uneven, people in street hit by cars. Visibility obstructions at intersections, driveways, contribute to accidents. Older people may live longer in their own homes if they can use sidewalks to reach public transit.
Wanted to see what this is.
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1 Octubre 2013 Susan Bailey ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am presently a Graduate student at UMASS-Lowell. I am in the Community Social Psychology program there.
We are using the tool box as part of our class work.
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1 Octubre 2013 Jerry McNabb ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Family Business Consultant to families who own family owned companies. We focus on improving shareholder value and improving communications. Our work involves succession, conflict resolution, leadership training and operating issues for the company involved.
We are active in giving back through non profit organizations and work with our clients who want to or who are active in giving back to their community/country.
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1 Octubre 2013 Peggy Musgraves ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Administrator of small rural health department. For community assessment and general information
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1 Octubre 2013 Jim Hayslett ,
Who I am Use of CTB
CDC assignee (Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer) assigned to TDH/Chronic Disease, Injury, and Tobacco Prevention division for 2 years
At this time, I'm just taking a look at what is available.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Beatriz Champagne ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am executive director for the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, an organization with 36 member heart associations in the American continent. One of our key priorities is to develop a strong community network to promote heart health and prevent heart diseases and stroke. Our main focus is on Latin America and the Caribbean.
Many of your materials could be very useful to us. It is wonderful that you have some in Spanish. We work in Spanish and Portuguese. Our organization conducts many workshops for staff and volunteers throughout the year and many of the topics are similar to what you cover in your web site. Great resource. Thank you.
Date Name City,State/Province Zip Country
1 Octubre 2013 Carol Gill ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a health education consultant for the Ohio Department of Health.
I am using the materials found in the Community Toolbox as I consult with community health projects in southwest Ohio.
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1 Octubre 2013 Rose Haddock ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am the CVH coordinator for Nash and Edgecombe Counties in rural eastern NC. I have just recently learned of this website.
I will be using this tool box to help me develop relationships with community members to decide what types of nutritional and physical activity opportunities are wanted in this area.
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1 Octubre 2013 Roselyn Mungai ,
Who I am Use of CTB
I am a development journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. I work for human rights network, Women and Law in East Africa under the Conflict management project.
In the training of community based managers of conflict
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1 Octubre 2013 Rose Wesson ,
Who I am Use of CTB
Baha'i since mid 1998; recently elected to LSA Just found it; looking for ideas to share with community.
