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Question: I have a website hat I hope to show some day regarding local food. But in the meantime I just wanted to know if you know any folks who are trying to at least partially organize local food around backyard or at least sub acre gardening. It seems a lot of the local food work is to encourage farmers or community gardens. Both are great strategies, yet it seems like there are many advantages to a union of backyard gardeners which might include greater social cohesion. Any thoughts appreciated
Matt Grantham
Napa Ca
Matt Grantham
Napa Ca
Answer: Hi Matt,
Thanks for your query to the Community Toolbox!
We aren't very familiar with your area, but we have a few suggestions about where to start looking for other individuals that may want to collaborate around this issue/interest. includes contact information for all local government departments, including Parks and Rec as well as "CleanGreenNapa." You may check with these departments. There is also a Facebook page for the Napa Farmer's Market ( where you may find people who have similar interests and may want to branch off into "backyard" gardening. There are a number of other websites that may not explicitly cite backyard gardening, but they may lead you to individuals with this interest.
Thank you for your inquiry and best of luck!
Question Date: Sat, 02/01/2014