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Question: what do i have to do after planning my youth organization

Hi Phumudzo, and thanks for yor question.

Planning is one important step among a series of thiings that need to be done in order to bring the organization into operation.  Presuming that you did not plan the organization alone,the next step is to recruit and build leadership and management (Chapters 13 through 15 in our Learn A Skill section, plus the Toolkit on Building Leadership).  If you did the planning alone, you probably will need to recruit leadership and then "loop back" and let those recruits have their say about the plan, making modifications as necessary.  That will take you to Chapter 19, plus Toolkits 3 and 7.  Our chapters on Implementing Promising Community Interventions also are relevant.  Early on, you and the leadership should consider two important issues: how you will evaluate, and how you and your community can sustain, the youth organization.

If you are not familiar with it, take time to review many of the Learn A Skill chapters.  That entire section can serve as an outline for you and your leadership as you proceed to build and implement the youth organization. 

Thanks for conacting CTB.  We hope this response will be helpful as you proceed.


Question Date: Mon, 07/28/2014