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Question: Hello, I am working on a brief on the topic of nonprofits communicating data to the public. In my outline I have three audiences: 1. peers, to sharing program and demographic data to strengthen the field; 2. Funders and policy makers, to change the operating environment; and 3. clients/community, for dual-directional evaluation and to empower them to take informed action of their own and to help explain nuances in program data. For my brief, I am wanting to write three case studies that describe a nonprofit's experience with each external communication method (one nonprofit for each topic). Do you have any ideas of nonprofits who have tried, or been successful at communicating back to their clients? For example, data walks, or community meetings where service providers provider an opportunity to weigh in on what was collected.
Good afternoon, Abigail. Thanks for contacting CTB.
We don't have specific examples within the CTB database. We suggest you explore "Database of Best Practices" under our "Help Taking Action" graphic. That may give you some leads that you can follow up by contracting the relevant organizations directly for further information
Question Date: Fri, 09/12/2014