Ask an Advisor Answers
Hi Alice,
Thank you for submitting your question to Ask an Advisor. We hope that we can provide you with an answer you'll find useful and applicable in your work.
That said, without knowing what types of leadership programs you are looking for or whether you are looking to build your own leadership skills or those of other people let me point you to some of the Community Tool Box (CTB) resources that might be of use to you. You'll have to sort through the information to find specifically what you're looking for, but in the event you don't find what you're looking for please let us know and we'll work together to find you what you need.
If you go to the CTB, look at the upper left hand corner and click on Learn A Skill (how-to information). There are two options: Table of Contents and Toolkits. Click on Table of Contents and scroll down to the chapter entitled: Leadership and Management - Information about the Core Functions of Leadership, Management, and Group Facilitation. You will note 4 chapters, 13 - 16, are all related to leadership. The related Toolkit is number 6, Building Leadership. This should get you started. Again, if you don't find what you're looking for please let us know and we'll do our best to help you find the answers. Thank you again for writing and all the best to you.
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