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2.students base line target want to be from 50 to 65?
Hi Mohamed,
Welcome to the Community Tool Box (CTB) and Ask an Advisor. We value your questions and hope that we can provide you with timely, useful, accurate, and directly applicable information to guide you in your community work. Well, to be honest Mohamed, the first question about creating an action plan table I think we can answer, the second I'm not sure because I don't actually understand what you're asking. So, that said, let me provide with the resources from the CTB that I think will guide your work creating an action plan table. Okay, let's begin on our home page. Click on the "Learn A Skill" button, top left corner, and then click on the "Table of Contents." Scroll down to the section entitled "Overview" and click on Chapter 1. Our Model for Community Change and Improvement, specifically, Section 9. Community Action Guide: Framework for Addressing Community Goals and Problems. This, in my estimation is a "must read" ahead of creating an action plan table. Even though this is a rather long section, there is a sample action plan table when you get to the heading, The Grande Finale – The Complete Action Plan!.
You can also find this sample action plan and all the steps for creating one by again beginning on our home page, clicking on "Learn A Skill," then clicking on the "Table of Contents" and scrolling down to the section entitled "Developing a Strategic Plan and Organizational Structure." Next, click on Chapter 8. Developing a Strategic Plan and scroll down to Section 5. Developing an Action Plan and click on "Tools." This is it, you've arrived!
So, with that Mohamed thank you again for visiting the CTB and for your questions. All apologies for not being able to answer your second question as I wasn't sure what you were asking. If you find our answer doesn't quite hit the mark please feel free to visit us again and we'll work together to come up with a more sufficient answer. Take care, be well, do good work.
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