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Hi Sarah,
Local businesses often are willing to support nonprofit organizations, especially if they have compatible interests, so I encourage you to contact those businesses that seem to fit best with what your nonprofit is trying to accomplish. Take time to write down an "elevator speech" request explaining clearly but briefly what the nonprofit does, the specific assistance request, why you are asking for assistance, and how the company's support will be publicized. Include your own contact information. Make certain that your nonprofit has a 501(c)(3) determination from the IRS and leave a copy of the determination letter if requested.. Ask for a half-hour appointment with an appropriate official to make your request in person, and leave the written request for their further review. Let the company know by when you need their decision. Follow up with a written thank you note appreciating the opportunity to meet with them, and later with a written thank you note expressing thanks for their donation. Publicize their support in organization newsletters and websites.
Oh, by the way, during your half-hour interview, also ask the person to suggest other possible leads, and whether you can use the person's name when you contact those recommended leads.