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I am a student in a Canadian university (UQAM, Montreal) finishing my last year of Ph.D/Psy.D in community psychology and I am realising my intership in France in a non-profit organization.
In my intership, I am coordinating a territorial project (initated by the government) to bring all actors working around mental health (medical professionals, social professionals, community actors, etc.) to propose new initatives and new collaboration inside the territory.
I am supervised by a Social and Health Psychologist and I am realizing now that I sharing my experience with pairs in community psychology could help me structured my community work.
I don't know if this request could be answered, but thank you already fot all the work you do!
Dear Paul
thanks for your compliments.
Surely a community psychology point of view may be useful for your work. If you want to see other projects on mental health, in CTB there are lots of suggestions: for instance Chapter 5. “Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development”, on the page /en/table-of-contents-community-assessment/choosing-strategies-to-promote-community-health-and-development You can look to all its Sections, both those on strategies, community development, social planning… and those about coalitions building, an issue that is related to the aims of your internship.
If you want, instead, to be in touch with other PhD students in community psychology, so to sharing ideas with them… it is quite difficult because CTB hasn’t (at least so far) similar possibilities... You may ask professors of your university (in Montréal or in France) if there are links or networks among students involved in such topics.
Good luck with your work!