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Question: Hi! I have been utilizing this resource to help guide me through a Strategic Health Communication Plan for an assignment in my graduate studies, and was wondering if you could provide me the date at which Chapter 6, sections 2, 3, and 7 were published, so I can accurately provide an APA citation! Thank you!
Hello Ms. Leederman,
We are so glad that you have found our resources helpful! Our chapters are updated from time to time, so exact publication dates are hard to pin down. I recommend using your retrieval date as the publication date. You could also go directly to the sources we cite, read and cite them instead.
Good luck with your assignment,
-Mr. Ari Fodeman
You can also look in the "Revisions" tab -- the latest date that an entry in the toolbox was revised is often listed there. Good luck,
Gabe Kuperminc
Question Date: Mon, 03/22/2021