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Thank you for writing to us. As we are not based in the St. Louis area, we are not personally familiar with the local scene. But we have been in touch with a colleague who does live there, and who is a pediatric health professional; she would be glad to hear from you. We will send you her contact information in a separate e-mail, offline.
In the meantime, FYI, the Community Tool Box does contain information on how to conduct interviews that might be of interest to you. Specifically, you might benefit from reviewing Chapter 3, Section 12, on conducting interviews, at /en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-and-resources/conduct-interviews/main, as well as other sections in Chapter 3; you can find these in the Community Tool Box table of contents.
Thanks again for being in touch, and all best wishes for successful completion of your research project, and beyond.