Dr. Schultz holds a Ph.D. in anthropology and an M.A. in medical anthropology from the University of Kansas. He works primarily with issues involving building capacity of urban neighborhoods to solve local problems, understanding systems change, evaluating community health and development initiatives, and qualitative methodologies. He is part of the Community Tool Box (CTB) development team, a global online resource for community building. His responsibility includes both content and design development for the CTB. Dr. Schultz has co-authored numerous articles on evaluation, empowerment, and community development. He has been a consultant to several foundations, community coalitions, and state agencies. In addition to his work in community health and development, Dr. Schultz has studied East Asian and Native American culture and history, producing several documentaries on these subjects. Dr. Schultz was given the Society for Community Research and Action Award for Distinguished Contribution to the Practice of Community Psychology in 2007. He is a Fellow of the Society for Applied Anthropology and a member of the American Public Health Association. Co-Director of the KU Center for Community Health and Development Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine Courtesy Assistant Professor, Department of Human Development Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology jschultz@ku.edu