Dr. Susan M. Wolfe has over 38 years of experience as a Community and Developmental Psychologist. Her expertise includes coalition development and evaluation; health, mental health, and education inequities; strategic planning and organizational development; cultural humility; and community engagement. She has provided service to national and international professional organizations, including service as an American Psychological Association Health Equity Ambassador; an Advisor for the Community Tool Box; and in various leadership positions within the American Evaluation Association and Society for Community Research and Action. Dr. Wolfe has served as adjunct faculty at several universities, teaching courses and participating on master’s theses and doctoral dissertation committees. Dr. Wolfe most enjoys working with coalitions and collaboratives and participatory, inclusive initiatives addressing health and other inequities. She served as the consultant to and evaluator for community-based collaboratives in rural and urban settings and taught workshops on this topic for the American Evaluation Association, The Society for Community Research and Action, the Canadian Evaluation Society, and other organizations. She is co-editor with Drs. Ann Webb Price and Kyrah Brown of an edition of New Directions for Evaluation focusing on evaluating coalitions (2020); co-editor of Community Psychology: Foundations for Practice with Victoria Scott (2015); and co-author of A Guidebook to Community Consulting: A Collaborative Approach with Dr. Ann Webb Price. She has been invited to deliver speeches and keynote addresses at various meetings, presented her work at professional conferences and meetings nationally and internationally, conducted briefings of high-level government officials, and facilitated numerous workshops. She has also published peer reviewed articles in various journals and is past editor of The Community Psychologist. Dr. Wolfe lives and works in Grand Prairie, Texas where she provides consulting services as CEO for Susan Wolfe and Associates, LLC. She is a wife, mother, nana, great grandmother, friend, and an actively engaged Baha’i. Her hobbies and interests include reading, cooking, traveling, crocheting blankets, hanging out with friends, trying new foods and eateries, and watching TV (nothing too serious).