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Question: Another issue needing clarity as a concern on human health, particularly in India, considering the general approach of gross negligence or over-reaction (like in Maggie) by the so called controlling authorities who seemingly lack consistent testing methods & standards across states within India, thereby causing avoidable misconceptions.
This one pertains to most popular aerated cool drinks.
a) Is pesticide residue in cold drinks dangerous to human liver?
b) If yes, what is the permissible limit?
c) How do brands like Thumps up, Coke, Sprite compare on actuals based on credible testing?
Any comments?
Happy to get educated....

a) Is pesticide residue in cold drinks dangerous to human liver? 

Good day and thank you for your questions and concern. For answers to your thoughtful questions go to the following links on the Internet:

Additionally the answer to your basic question is a resounding yesŠ.the liver and other digestive organs are definitely influenced by the presence of pesticides in any consumable liquid.


As for your second question go to:

I hope this helps.


Question Date: Sun, 06/07/2015