Thank you for writing. While we are not generally able to schedule conference calls, we can offer a few general thoughts based on what you have told us.
A key first question is what you want the survey to accomplish? In different words, what do you want to do with the results, once you have them? You certainly don’t want your hard-earned findings to gather dust on a shelf
So will they actually be used to create programs? Have you established, in advance, a pathway for this to occur? Without making such linkage, and gaining advance agreement on it, it becomes easy for your survey results to be ignored.
But in addition, can your survey also be used not only to create programs, but also to gain community support, and in addition build involvement in your arts and culture work – to develop a constituency for it, which will do some later work? And maybe your survey results can also be used to unlock future funding.
If your survey could be designed with multiple goals in mind, your survey could do double or even triple duty. Does this make sense to you? If you can think in those broader terms, you may be well on your way to creating a survey, and programs, that will make a lasting different in the Erie area.
Thanks again for writing, and all best wishes for great success for your survey and in future work.