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Question: Good afternoon!
I work with SNAP-Ed in Florida and was looking for an activity to facilitate with the team. I managed to think strategically about how we can support our communities. I was thinking about an activity that has them draw their own community and what it would look like if it was equitable and served the community's needs. Do you have an activity like this or something similar?

Thank you for your question about how to engage community members in envisioning a community that was equitable and served the community’s needs. The Community Tool Box (CTB) offers some guidance for supporting visioning sessions—and promoting equity—that you could adapt and apply to your efforts. Several CTB resources maybe particularly helpful:

  1. CTB Chapter 8, Section 2: Proclaiming Your Dream: Developing Vision and Mission Statements /en/table-of-contents/structure/strategic-planning/vision-mission-statements/main
  2. CTB Chapter 14, Section 2: Developing and Communicating a Vision /en/table-of-contents/leadership/leadership-functions/develop-and-communicate-vision/main
  3. CTB Chapter 2, Section 17 Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Your Community /en/table-of-contents/overview/models-for-community-health-and-development/social-determinants-of-health/main
  4. CTB “Justice Action Toolkit” /en/justice-action-toolkit

These resources are free, and we encourage you to make good use of them in your efforts to train others.

Question Date: Fri, 02/09/2024