10. We don't know how to evaluate our program or initiative.

1. Have we developed a logic model for change, including the intended intermediate and long-term outcomes of our program or initiative?

2. Do we know the stakeholders who should be involved in planning and implementing the evaluation?

3. Do we know how to use the evaluation to address the needs of the stakeholders?

4. Have we gotten enough members of the community involved in planning and implementing the evaluation?

5. Do we know what type of evaluation we should do?

6. Do we know why we should evaluate our efforts in the first place?

7. Do we have the time or money for evaluation?

8. Have we clearly defined evaluation indicators and how to clearly measure them?

9. Do we plan to gather and use evaluation data frequently enough to see progress and make adjustments?

10. Do we know how to present our evaluation data in a way that is understandable and useful?

11. Are members of the community involved in the evaluation?

12. Do we know how to incorporate evaluation data into a grant or other funding proposal?