5. There is not enough community participation.

1. Do we know what the community needs and is concerned about?

2. Have we determined the reasons our organization wants or needs additional members?

3. Have we identified those who need to be involved in order to accomplish our group’s objectives or specific projects?

4. Have we created conditions that will allow the greatest diversity of people and organizations to participate?

5. Have we made the participation and involvement more rewarding or attractive?

6. Have we made participation easier or of lower cost (i.e., modifying access, barriers, and opportunities; e.g., having meetings at convenient times, providing translators or child care as needed)?

7. Have we improved peoples’ abilities to be involved (e.g., providing information, skill training, and support for participants and members)?

8. Have we done enough to identify and invite people in the community to participate?

9. Have we created an atmosphere that fosters continued participation by staff and volunteers?

10. Have we planned for involving new generations of people and organizations?

11. Do we have a leadership team with a clear vision for encouraging participation in the group?

12. Have those who are directly experiencing the problem been participating?

13. Have people who have enough influence to change things been participating?