8. There is not enough action to promote change.

1. Does our group know the specific changes we want to make?

2. Do we have enough members to carry out our actions?:

3. Is our group well organized?

4. Do most people in our community know about the issue(s) and the work of our organization?

5. Do we have a clear and effective strategy for change that encourages participation by the community?

6. Do our current members and volunteers feel sufficiently supported and appreciated?

7. Does our group have enough respect and power in the community to bring about changes?

8. Do community members agree that the desired action is important to accomplish?

9. Do we have adequate community resources and assets to support action?

10. Do we have the financial resources to bring about the desired changes?

11. Have enough members of the community had a chance to be part of the action?

12. Did we arrange for community mobilizers with clear roles and responsibilities for bringing about identified changes to be sought?

13. Did we provide training, support, and feedback for the community mobilizers?