1. Does our group know the specific changes we want to make? Toolkit: Developing Strategic and Action Plans Developing an Action Plan Analyzing root Causes of Problems: The “But Why?” Technique Putting Your Solution into Practice Understanding Risk and Protective Factors: Their Use in Selecting Potential Targets and Promising Strategies for Interventions 2. Do we have enough members to carry out our actions?: Toolkit: Increasing Participation and Membership Developing a Plan for Increasing Participation in Community Action Promoting Participation Among Diverse Groups Methods of Contacting Potential Participants Writing Letters to Potential Participants Making personal Contact with Potential Participants Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative Involving People Most Affected by the Problem Developing a Plan for Involving Volunteers Recruiting Volunteers Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help Recognizing Allies Encouraging Involvement of Potential Opponents as well as Allies 3. Is our group well organized? Some Lessons Learned on Community Organization and Change Developing a Plan for Communication DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC PLAN Organizational Structure: An Overview Developing an Ongoing Board of Directors Developing a Management Plan 4. Do most people in our community know about the issue(s) and the work of our organization? COMMUNICATIONS TO PROMOTE INTEREST Recruiting Volunteers MEDIA ADVOCACY Conducting a Social Marketing Campaign Promoting Awareness and Interest Through Communication 5. Do we have a clear and effective strategy for change that encourages participation by the community? Toolkit: Developing Strategic and Action Plans Toolkit: Increasing Participation and Membership Systems Advocacy and Community Organizing Coalition Building I: Starting a Coalition Developing an Action Plan Identifying Action Steps in Bringing About Community and System Change Building and Sustaining Relationships Choosing and Adapting Community Interventions REWARDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS 6. Do our current members and volunteers feel sufficiently supported and appreciated? Developing a Plan for Involving Volunteers Building and Sustaining Relationships Providing Support for Staff and Volunteers REWARDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS Providing Incentives for Staff and Volunteers Holding Awards Ceremonies 7. Does our group have enough respect and power in the community to bring about changes? Servant Leadership: Accepting and Maintaining the Call of Services Understanding People’s Needs Building and Sustaining Commitment Influencing People Building and Sustaining Relationships Promoting Coordination, Cooperative Agreements, and Collaborative Agreements Among Agencies Developing Multisector Collaborations Survival Skills for Advocates Marketing the Initiative to Secure Financial Support 8. Do community members agree that the desired action is important to accomplish? Participatory Evaluation ASSESSING COMMUNITY NEEDS AND RESOURCES Understanding and Describing the Community Leading a Community Dialogue on Building a Healthy Community Obtaining Feedback from Constituents: What Changes are Important and Feasible? Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions Rating Community Goals 9. Do we have adequate community resources and assets to support action? Developing a Plan for Identifying Local Needs and Resources Identifying Community Assets and Resources Developing a Plan for Financial Sustainability Creating a Business Plan 10. Do we have the financial resources to bring about the desired changes? GETTING GRANTS AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES Developing a Plan for Financial Sustainability MANAGING FINANCES Planning and Writing an Annual Budget Managing Your Money INVESTING IN COMMUNITY RESOURCES 11. Have enough members of the community had a chance to be part of the action? Toolkit: Developing Strategic and Action Plans ENCOURAGING INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY WORK Involving Key Influentials in the Initiative Involving People Most Affected by the Problem DEVELOPING A STRATEGIC PLAN Learning From and Contributing to Constituents Participatory Approaches to Planning Community Interventions Identifying Targets and Agents of Change: Who Can Benefit and Who Can Help Recognizing Allies 12. Did we arrange for community mobilizers with clear roles and responsibilities for bringing about identified changes to be sought? Working Together for Healthier Communities: A Framework for Collaboration Among Community Partnerships, Support Organizations, and Funders Developing an Action Plan Creating and Gathering a Group to Guide Your Initiative Developing a Community Leadership Corps: A Model for Service Learning Promoting Neighborhood Action 13. Did we provide training, support, and feedback for the community mobilizers? HIRING AND TRAINING KEY STAFF OF COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Developing a Plan for Staff Hiring and Training Developing Training Programs for Staff RECRUITING AND TRAINING VOLUNTEERS Developing a Plan for Involving Volunteers Developing Training Programs for Volunteers PROVIDING TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Designing a Training Session Delivering a Training Session Building and Sustaining Commitment Building and Sustaining Relationships Providing Support for Staff and Volunteers Rating Member Satisfaction REWARDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS Providing Incentives for Staff and Volunteers Honoring Community Champions