___You have designed your intervention to:
- Improve organizational morale
- Make your organization more effective
- Increase community awareness
___You understand that when deciding when to host a training session, you have taken into consideration the type of training
Before the training session
___You have already set a budget.
___You reserved a space for the training session.
___You made sure materials for the session are prepared
___You made sure everyone knows when and where the training will be
___You sent "homework" to training participants.
___You also gave the trainer himself some "homework."
During the training session
___You arrived early to set up shop.
___You are ready to greet people when they arrive.
___You understand that if appropriate, everyone should know everyone else.
___You have set the agenda.
___You have set ground rules.
___You made sure everyone has the chance to talk and ask questions
___You have stuck to the schedule, as much as possible.
After the session is over
___You have asked participants/leaders to evaluate the session
___You outlined next steps for participants
___You made sure the room was left neat and tidy
___You followed up, as appropriate
___You have celebrated!