What do we mean by values, principles, and assumptions? ___Values are the deeply held beliefs about how the world should be that provide our guidelines for living and behavior. ___Principles are the fundamental scientific, logical, or moral/ethical “truths,” arising from experience, knowledge, and (often) values, on which we base our actions and thinking. ___Assumptions are the next level of truths, the ones we feel we can take for granted, given the principles we have accepted. Core values of the Community Tool Box ___Everyone in a community has a right to a decent quality of life. ___Everyone is worthy of respect and equal consideration. ___Any community work or research should have the ultimate aim of being useful in improving people’s lives, particularly the lives of those most in need and/or least powerful. ___Racism and bias – because of religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, disability, etc. – have no place in a civil society. ___Fairness demands that everyone affected by research or by an issue – all stakeholders – should have the opportunity for either direct participation or representation in planning, implementing, and analyzing the resulting research or intervention. ___This work isn’t about power or turf, but about the public good. Core principles of the Community Tool Box ___“Fair” doesn’t mean that everyone gets the same thing; it means that everyone gets what she needs. ___Community work is far more likely to be successful if it involves all stakeholders from the very beginning. ___Leadership from within the community should be encouraged and nurtured. ___Community work takes careful planning at every stage of the process. ___Evaluation is absolutely necessary, and useful in many ways, although probably most useful as a tool for improving your effort. ___Outcomes matter. ___Time is of the essence. ___Don’t bite off more than you can chew. ___Make sure that your funding and other resources are adequate for what you’re trying to do. ___Community action should take place at the level and time to make it most effective. ___Community intervention should be replicable and sustainable. ___Community work is never done. ___Don’t lose sight of your vision, your principles, and your values in the struggle to get things done. ___The real goal of community work is positive social change. Assumptions of the Community Tool Box ___Just about everyone wants what’s best for the community. ___Once people understand others’ circumstances, they’re usually willing to help. ___If people are treated with respect, they usually respond the same way. ___Coalitions, partnerships, and collaborations are built one relationship at a time. ___People have to believe something is possible before they’ll work to make it happen. ___People working together are better off and more successful than people working alone. ___The world isn’t perfect; this work is necessary to create positive social change and make it a better place for everyone. Contributor Phil Rabinowitz