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Sir/Madam,I am a teacher and professional counselor who lives in a community with a high illiteracy rate and yet many of the children do not attend school. It is my desire to establish a Community Counseling Center to help the people in my community. But my resources are limited. What should I do? I am a Ghanaian.

Good Morning, George.  Thanks for contacting CTB.
I am operating on the assumption that you are reasonably well known to others in your community, and that you are interested in providing counseling within an educational setting.  In that case, I suggest you begin by holding some social gatherings that include talking about parents' desire for children to be educated.  If enough (and you will have to decide how many is enough) have that desire, hold follow-up meetings so everyone can partticipate in deciding how to proceed.  The larger the group, the greater likelihood of success, but make a plan containing a clear series of action steps and a clear statement of what your group ultimately hopes to accomplish.
The logical next step is to talk with education authorities within your community or region.  Ask them to meet with your group and help explain what resources might be available to encourage school attendance.  Ask them to continue meeting, so real collabration can occur. as you proceed.
I don't know the education system in Ghana, but I assume that there may be need for school uniforms, textbooks, or whatever.  Those costs can be barriers to attendance; but, again, have your group brainstorm ways to raise the funds needed for those costs.  
Also, I realize that I do not know whether your community actually has a school facility.  If not, it may be necessary to engage the entire community in planning and either building or remodeling a building that can become a school.
In short, you are taking on a big and important task!  Several chapters within this database may be helpful; and feel free to adapt them to Ghanaian culture.  Please click on our Learn a Skill graphic and then on Table of Contents.  Look through chapters 3. 4. 5 and 7 (plus Toolkit 8).  As your effort develops, other chapters may become relevant; but these focus upon early organizing processes.

Question Date: Vie, 09/12/2014