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Recently I've been hired as the Health Educator for the non-profit organization where I work. Part of my responsibility is to run a high school student organization which focuses on health issues in our community. My vision is that by the 12th grade they would trained as high school peer educators. Most of research has led my to universities that have this type of program, are there any resources that could help me develop my program?

Hi Cassie, and thanks for contacting CTB,
You might take a look at our Chapter 24, Section 8 in the Table of Contents (under the Learn A Skill graphic).  That section focuses on Peer Education and may be of help to you.  You might also scroll through our Database of Best Practices (under the Help Taking Action graphic) to see if similar programs are listed.  One interesting resource that you can find on the web is the Right Question Institute.  It has a process for training healthcare consumers to think through what health information they really want to obtain from healthcare providers, to formulate and then to ask questions.  They focus on both health care and education.  Their information might be relevant to your interests.

Question Date: Mar, 08/04/2015