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What do we need for 501c7 status? We want to register our social club under this. What would we form under? LLC? We want chapters and membership globally.

         Regarding 501c7 status, we found a website that has a Q&A section on this:         .
            From the Community Tool Box, you might also want to consult Chapter 43, Section 4, which has general information on starting a non-profit: :

  •  In addition, you might want to check out different state or local requirements that might be involved. These do vary across states and locations. A usual starting point could be the Secretary of State's office for the state. (That's what it's called in my state; names might vary.) An advantage here is that such an office may also be helpful in giving tips / advice / guidance in pursuing federal tax exemption.

            Thank you for writing to us, and best wishes for success with your organization!

Question Date: Jue, 04/05/2018