Ask an Advisor Answers

Question: Hello, I am starting an evaluation on the issue of patients who no longer have acute care needs but have no placement or insurance (undocumented/ immigrant individuals). Do you have a recommendation on what practice model, framework, took on how to start accessing this community need? Thank you!

Dear Kacie,

Thank you for contacting the CTB's Ask an Advisor!

Two chapters of our online book may be of assistance as you start.  Under Table of Contents, take a look at chapters 3 (Assessing Community Needs and Resources) and 5 (Choosing Strategies to Promote Community Health and Development).  You may also find the related Toolkit

helpful as you plan how to proceed.  We also have a comprehensive section on Program Evaluation under Chapters 36 to 39, EVALUATING COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES. There is also a Toolkit 

Read over these sections and see if the Toolkit outline helps you on your approach and how to get started. If you need more help or have specific questions, please contact us again!
We wish you well on your project!

Best regards,

Ask an Advisor

Question Date: Wed, 06/05/2019