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Hi Team,
I work as a registered nurse at a local refugee health service and I am in the process of developing a plan to implement a healthy eating program into a local housing facility that houses approx. 20 people with asylum seeker backgrounds. In partnership with a nutritionist we have been granted a fellowship program within UQ to conduct an audit on the success of the workshops. I have been looking at the Community tool box project planning process with the use of the participatory evaluation tool and it completely fits like a glove with what we are trying to achieve. The workshops were in response to direct feedback from the community in which we would like to see nutritional change. What do we need to do to get your written consent/permission that we can use this model throughout the program??



              Thank you for writing to us with your question. We are very glad you have found our participatory evaluation tool useful to you.  
              We do have a Use Policy that describes the conditions of use for our materials. You can find this at
              Briefly, what this policy says is that the concepts described in the Tool and in the Community Tool Box in general are yours to use without any formal consent or permission from us. That is what they are there for.
              You can also freely use these materials in any workshop or educational program you might conduct in a nonprofit setting.  In these cases, we would appreciate your mentioning and crediting the Community Tool Box, together with our web address.
               On the other hand, if you were wanting to duplicate and distribute printed copies of our materials as part of a training workbook or other publication, we would ask that you contact us at to obtain written permission. Some further details are found in the Use Policy itself.
              We hope this responds to your question.  Thank you again for being in touch, and all best wishes for continued success in the very important work that you are doing. 

Question Date: Sáb, 03/21/2020