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Hello everyone,
I have a couple of questions:
How to integrate first year international students in the university community?
How to prevent them from having psychology difficulties in their academic journey?
How to rise awareness regarding the problem?
What activities should be done regarding the issue?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,
Velina Parashkevova

         Thanks for writing to us at the Community Tool Box  with your important question. We understand the situation you describe, and in our experience it applies to many other student housing situations in different countries.  It’s very natural to feel isolated and alone in those situations.  
         But there are many ways this situation can be improved. For example
         Establishing a physical meeting space where new students, and especially foreign students, can come together, either on or off campus
         Establishing a special website and social media channels for these students
          Developing a “buddy system,” where a new student is paired with a returning student from the same country or locale, to help the new student adjust to school
           Developing a strong orientation program for new students when they arrive, and even before they arrive at the beginning of the school year
           Developing a program of planned activities throughout the school year for those students
           Creating a student-led advisory board or similar groups to help plan activities and programs
           Designating a staff coordinator for these services, paid for by the     school -- that is, the school should invest some of its financial resources for this purpose.
           Ensuring that sufficient transportation opportunities are available, so that students can easily get back and forth from campus
           Ensuring that counseling services are available for students experiencing academic or emotional problems, or just seeking an opportunity to talk
           Collecting evaluation data on programs that are offered, so that new programs are based upon stated need and previous positive feedback
           Learning from other schools who have had successes in this area, and adopting or adapting their ideas. In other words, what are the best models or practices in the field?   
                  (There are many sources for such models and practices. For example, try a simple internet search for “welcoming new students to college,” or “welcoming foreign students to                         college,” and examine some of the sources you find.)
          Creating more on-campus housing options, of course
           In these recommendations, we can also identify some of the underlying change principles that seem important for success:
                Establishing an organizational structure through which desired changes can take place    
                Having a long-term commitment
                Investing resources into the effort – both people, money, and time
                Spending time to plan these activities in advance
                Basing planning decisions on past evaluation data
                Generating participation by those affected
      These principles, which are based in psychology, will also apply in many other change settings.  When they are operative, desired change is more likely.
      We should also mention that some other students in your class, such as Presiansa, Brigena, and Mihail, wrote us with a similar question,  and you might want to coordinate your work with theirs. 
      We hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you.All best wishes for success in your project work and beyond.

Question Date: Lun, 02/27/2023