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Ask an Advisor Answers

Do you have anything directly related to recreation (parks, programming, physical activity, art, etc)? Or anything based on rural (agriculture) based communities (Canada or USA)?

          Thank you for writing to us with your question, and please excuse our delay in getting back to you.  Chapter 26 on the Community Tool Box contains information on how to improve parks and other community facilities; this may be useful to you. In addition, Chapter 19 contains several different sections with many more details on how to conduct community interventions. Beyond that, a simple Google search might be helpful to you here.
          Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for success in your important work.

Question Date: Jue, 12/01/2016
Hello, I am currently learning about how to create a plan to address the health disparities and wellness of the Native American population (specifically the Sioux Tribe of the Lakota people). I have found out that lack of access to care, underfunding, limited electronic history records are some of the main problems. This has lead to culturally insensitive care, and has resulted in the many problems the NA population is having (substance abuse, poverty, dental problems). What is the best way to begin a community intervention program to address this situation?

         Thanks for writing to us with your question, and please excuse our delay in getting back to you. You of course describe a situation that is broad, long-standing, vitally important, and one with many dimensions. Because of these factors, and as you probably know, addressing the problem is likely to call for ongoing effort on the part of many people.  We wish there were a simpler solution, but do not think there is. 
            Our best brief advice is to start small and to gather a core group of those people who are most affected by the problems, such as some Sioux members in a particular community.   Discuss the current situation with them, and learn from them what problems they think are most important to address at this time.  It is almost always essential for those most affected both to define the problem and propose ideas for its solutions. When that is done, your core group can then devise a plan and action steps for addressing the problem they have identified.
            Your own primary role may be to assist the group in its needs assessment and planning, and to help the group design an intervention that is most likely to succeed. That is, your task may be more one of support and facilitation rather than one of formal leadership and direction.
            For further information, you may wish to consult Chapter 19, which contains different sections with many more details on how to conduct interventions.  
          Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for success in your important work.  

Question Date: Vie, 12/02/2016
hey my name abdalla , im a speaker in our community , for 4 years , now the people think that i,m a most qeuilfying pearson , but i,m nearvous , can you give me some tips how to be a good leader ? thank you

        Thank you for writing to us with your question. To learn more about leadership, and developing your leadership skills, you can consult Chapters 13-16 and Toolkit 6 of the Community Tool Box, which gives much detailed practical information. 
       But in just a few words, three key recommendations for any aspiring leader, perhaps including yourself, would be to (1) Listen to the people you hope to be leading – what are their interests, and their goals?   (2) Form good relationships with those people, so that they come to like, respect, and trust you. And (3) Let them help you do the job that needs to be done, so that you all do it together.
           There’s much more to it than that, but perhaps this much can give you a start.
         We hope these thoughts may be helpful to you.  Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for success with your goals.

Question Date: Sáb, 12/10/2016
Hi! I would like to carry out an evaluation for HIV and AIDS initiative within my community. What steps should i follow and be able to complte within shortest time possible?

         Thank you for writing to us with your question.  In doing evaluations, it is of course important not to take more time than is necessary.  But it is often more important to conduct an evaluation that gives an accurate portrayal of the effects of the initiative. An evaluation that is conducted too hastily can be misleading, and can sometimes be worse than no evaluation at all.
       In your circumstances, it would be wise to first ask yourself these questions:  (1) What specific evaluation questions do I want to answer?  (These will often include questions proposed by the group you are working with.) (2)  What action steps (or, what methods) will be necessary to answer these questions?  And (3) How much time will it take to complete these action steps effectively?  (Note here that you may also be able to enlist others to help you.)
      When you have answered these questions thoughtfully and honestly in advance, that should help guide you in terms of what to do next.  You may not be able to, or need to, conduct an evaluation that lasts for a year or more. But you may be able to, or need to, conduct an evaluation that takes more than a casual day or two.
         There’s no one-size-fits-answer; the best answer instead depends on your starting questions. But having said that, evaluation is serious business; for the results of a serious and accurate evaluation can benefit a program or initiative very greatly, and is frequently well worth the time expended doing it.
       You will also find many more detailed thoughts on how to conduct evaluations in the Community Tool Box, Chapters 33-36, and Toolkit 12.
       We hope these thoughts may be helpful to you.  Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for success in your important work.

Question Date: Mar, 12/13/2016
I am temporarily disabled and homeless I have a son with a history of mental illness who has received very poor medical treatment, he was released in July of 2016, and rearrested one month later for violation of parole, but within the month my son was stabbed, shot , robbed etc, It has been extremely tedious obtaining services, and advocating for him. I don't know if I should reach out to politicians,- And if so, in what order? I have made attempts in my community and rudely rejected. it seems everything has to be in a form of a letter. I have worked in this community as a social worker/program research analyst . I love helping people, and on my few good days I still interact . My heart goes out to the many who struggle with a disability or don't even know how to form a sentence. i can understand how people go about doing things in a poor negative manner, we don't have enough leaders , agencies, etc communicating effectively in order to prevent disasters and opening lines of communications in a positive manner so law suits can be prevented. I am in great despair. please if you can assist, or guide me with at least one question. I would be very grateful . I don't know where to begin.

God Bless

         Thank you for writing to us with your question. Normally, we don’t respond to personal questions such as yours on Ask an Advisor, but we do understand the difficulty of the situation you describe.  
       We of course do not know all the details, but we can say that in seeking help of many different kinds, it is very important to know the resources in your community. It souns like you know something about this already, so that is a good start.  In your own case, who are the people or groups who might be best able to help you?  This can include your friends andcother personal contacts.   You could take a few minutes to create an actual written list. Then you could prioritize.
        Once you have done that, you would then naturally want to approach the people or groups at the top of your list.  It is often best to do so personally, rather than by e-mail or phone, for evidence suggests that face-to-face contacts are usually more effective.  See if you can make an appointment; or if you can’t do that, you could simply show up at their office. It is important to be polite, but also assertive here, and to make your needs very clear.  And if someone can’t help you directly, ask for a referral, and ask if you might use their name in making that referral contact.
        We don't want to suggest this is easy.  It can take persistence. And our apologies if we are saying things you know well already.   Again, we do not know the details of your situation. But in general we do believe that a personal, planned, prioritized, and persistent approach -- the four "p's" -- is likely to work best in getting what you need, and that those criteria hold true for seeking many other types of help in the community.  
         We do hope some of these thoughts may be helpful to you,   Thank you again for writing;  we send all best wishes for better timesahead.

Question Date: Mar, 12/13/2016

I ask as a Marine Vietnam Veteran For Peace and former Community Organizer trained by Saul Alinsky's executive team in the mid-70s. Maybe the following model presents an actionable empower to Wage Peace!

The Media is Mightier Than War ©

The Vision of WTPN is to form dynamic strategic alliances, creating trustworthy information channels that offer knowledge and intelligence from organized communities and open sources communicating awareness, purpose, principals and values, thus stimulating citizens’ imagination, recognizing their Constitutional obligations and achievements within and among U.S. communities, and their active participation in defining our Nation’s role in world affairs.

Thus, they must connect U.S. Folly Policy, especially vast expenditures for preventive wars of choice to our devastated national and local economies! This point of concurrence must enlighten Americans, as independent thinkers so that they can influence and eliminate the propensity to wage WAR by delusional members of the Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about.

Communities must strategically organize nation-wide and participate fully and equally in the foreign policy debates creating modesty, realism, transparency and accountability, keeping in mind that WAR PROFITEERING is the existential threat to humanity! When it comes to protecting and supporting our troops, veterans and their families, herein lies the moral essence of U.S. citizen obligation.

"How does the ubiquity of social media affect U.S. interests, and how should U.S. policy respond to it? As the communications landscape gets denser, more complex, and more participatory, the networked population is gaining greater access to information, more opportunities to engage in public speech, and an enhanced ability to undertake collective action." Clay Shirkey, “The Political Power of Social Media,” Foreign Affairs, J/F 2011

"Most Americans care little about the conduct of U.S. foreign policy. However, foreign policy often has expensive and even deadly results at home. It is time for American citizens to demand that policy makers treat matters of war and peace as something more than just another battle among special interests." Doug Bandow, “Lobbyists,” The National Interests, March 2010

As citizens of a democracy, we must, repeat, must demand and integrate the facts (genuine intelligence and public knowledge) to fully comprehend the enormous challenges before us. We must rethink our political and diplomatic relations, passionately reflecting on and changing our values and allegiances that has had and continues to have brutal effects on our fellow humans. We must strongly influence our foreign policy debates and policy making that has profound impacts on hundreds of millions of men, women, and children. Our justice system must hold elected and/or appointed decision-makers and officials accountable with severe sanctions when they break international and US laws ~ crimes against humanity and peace...etc.

Arthur Engendorf, a Vietnam Veteran author notes, “healing is the way we restore ourselves...with a little help from our friends, we can heal ourselves, even from war...healing culminates in a renewed vision of what is possible for us and our world. In light of this vision, our individual healing shifts from being the center of attention to an instance of much more encompassing possibility ~ healing for all humanity.”

Legitimacy of moral life depends on the willingness of men and women to struggle with such questions before they decide what to do. Also Karl Jaspers, a Jewish-tainted German WW II philosopher notes, “all men, like all nations, are tested twice in the moral realm ~ first by what they do, then by what they make of what they do. A condition of responsibility denotes a kind of second chance: men are, as if by a kind of grace, given a chance to repay to the living what it is they find themselves owing the dead.”

President Dwight D. Eisenhower ~ “I have come to hate war...[it] settles nothing...under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron."

For Our Children Worldwide ... Wage Peace ... Treasure Life.


     Thank you for writing to us with your question and comments. You of course raise an enormously big topic, one in many respects beyond the scope of what we do at the Community Tool Box.
     But what might we add that could be helpful?  We’ll try this:
      We heartily support your goals of justice and peace. And there are surely many paths to that goal, which often are not easy. The work you have been doing represents one path, and we hope it may continue. As with any organizing effort, it will take thoughtfulness and planning to make sure you are reaching the right people in the right way; it will take time and persistence; and it will benefit from joining together with like-minded people. It is a lifetime work. We’re sure you know this from your own organizer training, but sometimes all of the basics need to keep being said, many times over.
       Our own path to building peace focuses on strengthening local communities. In short form, we believe that building communities that are cohesive, inclusive, participatory, equitable, sustainable, and just will provide many benefits to people – and if this can be replicated across communities everywhere, the prospects for peaceful coexistence will increase.  No guarantees, of course, for few guarantees exist in community life. And we are not saying that this is the only way. But it is one way, open to anyone including yourself, and it is where we place our own time, energy, and personal and professional commitment.      
       We hope some of these words may be helpful to you. Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for continued success in your own work.   

Question Date: Mié, 12/14/2016
I am wondering if there is a hard copy / printed copy of the online community assessment tool kit that you have available online

          While we do not have a hard copy of this tool available to send, please feel free to download and use it for professional purposes. 
           Thank you for writing to us at the Commlunity Tool Box, and all best wishes for success in the work you are doing. 

Question Date: Jue, 12/22/2016
How can I bridge the career gap?
61 yo female
PhD Cell & Molecular Pathology, Vanderbilt University
Focus: Reproductive Biology (Infertility)
Postdoctoral/Faculty Focus: Autonomic Dysfunction/Sex Differences
Basic research alongside physicians for ~20y
Pharmaceutical Industry - Medical Science Liaison for ~8y (Osteoporosis/Breast Ca Prevention, Diabetes)
Now - unemployed!
My passion still burns, however. My goal is to do research and/or represent for a Reproductive Rights group (Ctr Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood, etc.). These jobs are hard to find!!! Any advice or suggestions you may have are most welcomed.

Kind regards,
-Nancy R Keller PhD

Hello Nancy,
Career transitions can be challenging, especially if it is moving into a somewhat different field. This question is really somewhat outside of the purpose of the Community Tool Box, but I will offer a couple of tips:
1. Set up informational interviews and networking visits with individuals who work at the types of organizations that are of interest to you. Have some questions prepared - such as what are skills they are looking for, how to find opportunities, and what might make you a stronger candidate.
2. Before you talk with anyone, read the job descriptions you can find and see how your skills/expertise match them, and what value you can bring to their organizations.
It's mostly about networking, doing a lot of homework, and then convincing them that you have something to offer.
Good luck to you!

Question Date: Mié, 12/28/2016
Question: role of various stakeholders in corporate governance process

I am not clear as to what your question is.  If you are asking what is the role of various stakeholders in the corporate governance process, that would be outside of the Community Tool Box range of topics. 
I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.
Community Tool Box

Question Date: Jue, 12/29/2016
I want to be a radiation therapist, but don't know what to actually major in for that since they don't have that as a major at my school. What would I major in?

I'm sorry, but your question is outside of the scope of the Community Tool Box.  I would suggest that you contact your local medical center or a radiation therapist to get an answer.
Thank you for contacting us.

Question Date: Lun, 01/09/2017
I am in the beginning stages of building coalition here in Co Iowa. Cass. I am struggling with the basic invitational email to the first meeting. I do not want it to wordy or overwhelming. Do you have advise or samples I can piggyback off of?

Hello Damon,
Thank you for contacting the Community Tool Box with your question. I think you're on the right track since you expressed that you do not want to be wordy or overwhelming.  The Community Tool Box has resources to assist with communicating with communities.  I recommend Chapter 7 which offers specific guidance on writing letters to encourage participation and other relevant information.  There are some examples of how to word things in there.  Chapter 6 also includes guidance on crafting communications as well.  There are two Toolkits you might also find useful: #1 and #8.  
I have found that keeping communications brief and to the point works best, but also including as much information as possible to interest people is important.  I'm sorry I don't have a specific example, but I think you will find these two chapters and the Toolkits to be helpful.  And keep in mind that people usually want to know what, why, who, when and where.
Please contact us again if you have additional questions. I hope this is helpful.

Question Date: Mar, 01/10/2017
please who is the author of the book community tool box where stakeholders were identified and analysed

If you click on the "About The Tool Box" link, and then look at "Who Are We" there is information about the team who authored The Community Tool Box. Each individual section also tells who developed the material.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 01/10/2017
Question: How do I reference this book

Hi Tracy,
If you are using the American Psychological Association referencing style the reference is:
The Community Tool Box (n.d.). Retrieved (DATE HERE) from
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 01/12/2017
I request you kindly to Guide me in developing assessments tools before pre -initiation of community project on Disclosure of HIV to Perinatally Infected Children and Adolescents

The first place to start for assessment tools is to find out if a tool has already been developed. You can start by going to Google and Google Scholar, typing in your request (for example, HIV dislosure questionnaire) and looking through the results to see if there is a tool out there. 
If you need additional help with the evaluation and tools, you can look at Chapter 38 of The Community Tool Box which describes methods for evaluating.
If you are unable to find what you need, I suggest you contact a local college to find out if there is a professor who has these skills. 
The Community Tool Box

Question Date: Jue, 01/12/2017

We are about to begin work on developing a comprehensive communications and social marketing strategy that will address challenges associated with the 2017 visitor experience in Banff National Park. We are seeking agencies or firms who specialize in change behaviour and social change marketing. Would you be able to recommend any agencies or firms in this area or know of any within Canada?

Thank you in advance for your assistance,

Janice Carson, B.A.A. (VC) | Senior Communications Specialist
Marketing & Communications
Town of Banff
Banff Town Hall, 110 Bear Street
Box 1260, Banff, Alberta, Canada T1L 1A1
P 403.762.1227 F 403.762.1260

Hello Janice,
The Community Tool Box does not provide referrals to agencies or firms. I would suggest that you contact other organizations that have engaged in similar projects and find out who they worked with, and whether they would recommend them. I'm sorry we cannot be helpful.

Question Date: Vie, 01/13/2017
How do I go about advocating for a sidewalk/increased lighting in my neighbor[100th av se] in kent, WA.

Hi Cathy,
Chapter 4 of the Community Tool Box provides information about how to get issues on the public agenda, and Chapter 33 provides guidance to conduct a direct action campaign. You might also find Toolbox #10 useful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sáb, 01/14/2017
Question: how can a nonprofit use this toolkit?

Hi Beverly,
There are a number of ways a nonprofit can use The Community Toolbox (CTB).  Here are just a few:
1. For staff development - CTB offers online courses that staff can take; the chapters and toolkits can be used for group or self-study if there are specific topics of interest; and the CTB group provides custom training.
2. To  solve a specific issue - if the nonprofit is tackling a specific issue, the staff can browse the CTB chapters and toolkits to see if some of them are particularly relevant, or they can go to the CTB Troubleshooting Guide.
3. To learn about Best Change Processes
4. To find a source of best practices.
5. Subscribe to the eNewsletter 
6. CTB provides collaboration workstations if you are working with a group of nonprofits in your community
7. The Community Checkbox Evaluation system will support your evaluation
These are just a few. Click around and explore and you might find more uses!
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 01/17/2017
I am interested in starting a community center for both parents and kids alike. To help build them and their futures and aiding less experienced single parents in raising their children who like help. I would be looking to reach out to those kids who are troubled or needing help with any aspect of their life and future. Would I need to have some form of certification or degree to start this and what are some tools or resources that can point me in the right direction to start?

Hello Joanna,
Starting a new nonprofit requires a variety of types of knowledge and skills. While a certification or degree is not required, it is helpful. If you do not have the educational background, it would be a good idea to partner with someone who does so they can help you to navigate the requirements and develop the programming. Degrees such as social work or public administration often provide the requisite knowledge and skills.
I would suggest that you first start by looking through all of the chapters and toolkits provided in The Community Tool Box and reading those that apply, especially Chapters 8 through 29 and 36 through 46. There are organizations that can help to set up a nonprofit, including getting your nonprofit status, structuring the organization and other technicalities. You might also explore to find whether your community or a nearby city has a center for nonprofit management. These organizations provide training and certificates for nonprofit management and other important skills. 
I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mié, 01/18/2017
I Mandisa would like to to know if GRANT could help be funded for 2017. my mother was a nurse in Mpangeni Lwer Mfolozi Hospital and passed away in 2012 ever since my grandmother has been taking full responsibility, I would like someone to assits me financially . I'm a second year in UKZN Edgewood campus. please help.

Dear Mandisa,
We are sorry to hear of your loss and difficulties. The Community Tool Box does not provide financial assistance. 
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 01/19/2017
Question: hello! are these chapters obtained in a book? whats the name of the book?

Hello Beatrice,
The Community Tool Box has not produced material in a book. The reason is because we are always updating and improving the information provided and could not do so if this were in hard copy print.  You will have to continue accessing the material online.
Thank you for contacting us.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Vie, 01/20/2017
Hello- I'm looking for a resource, someone who might make a presentation to a group of 50 or so Neuroendocrine Cancer self help support group leaders / prospective leaders on setting up, running and maintaining a group in their local area. Thank you!

Dear Mr. Wahmann,
The Community Tool Box Ask an Advisor feature does not provide speakers.  However, the Community Tool Box services include Training and Education.  I suggest you contact them.  Here is their contact information:
For more information about our services, please contact the KU Work Group by phone at (785) 864-0533, by email at
Thank you for contacting us.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sáb, 01/21/2017
Do you have examples of healthy communities? If so, what are their names? Also, resources make a community healthy? This would be very helpful as to know what unhealthy communities need to be healthy

Dear Marcus,
While we do not have specific examples of a healthy community, the Community Tool Box Databases of Best Practices provides links to many resources for promoting community health and development. Some of these include examples.  Just click on the "Help Taking Action" tab and then the Databases of Best Practices. 
I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sáb, 01/28/2017
I am a new employee at a NGO, as the Project Coordinator. My organization provides humanitarian services to underprivileged persons in Southeast Asia.

I was employed to bring operations to a higher standard, as we lack the proper tools and systems in project design and implementation. Most processes are carried out informally.

I am asked to create a Needs Assessment for the literacy teachers to use when they go out in the community to assess needs. I am having difficulty formulating the exact questions that are appropriate. Any advise on this? Also, I was requested to create an evaluation system for the various projects, such as the schools or the Water Wells built. Could you give some guidance on how to create this evaluation system and possible questions to be included in the evaluation?

Thank you.

Hello Tracia,
Chapter 3 has information and guidance for assessing needs. Toolkit #2 provides additional resources and guidance. If you are concerned about the wording of questions you might prepare a draft and then test it with some local residents and get their feedback.
For evaluation, the Community Tool Box Chapters 36 through 39 provide guidance to develop and implement an evaluation. Toolkit #12 gives more hands on details and examples. You might also go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website ( This website also includes evaluation guidance.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Lun, 01/30/2017
Hi, I am a social worker at a family medicine center. I am looking for tools on assessing and improving communication, and morale. Can you please recommend a good tool that would allow me to assess these areas of improvement. Thank you in advance.

Hello Raul,
I am not able to recommend specific tools without having more information about the organization, the issues at hand, and other factors. I would recommend that you use Google Scholar to search the literature for a tool that has validity and reliability evidence, and more information about how others may have addressed similar problems. You might also consult with a management consultant (especially one that works with similar organizations). if your center is a nonprofit, look for a nonprofit management center that is a nonprofit. 
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mié, 02/01/2017
I tried to submit to the guest book but after several attempts, I gave up. Kept receiving error messages: {Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mailchimp\Mailchimp::listSubscribe() in /home/ctb/public_html/sites/all/modules/webform_mailchimp/webform_mailchimp.module on line 141} That's not good...

Hello Dana,
Thank you for alerting us about this problem. I have forwarded your report to others and am optimistic that it will be resolved.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mié, 02/01/2017
Is it necessary to have approval of the members in order to have a CPA audit
of the Association funds or can the President call for the CPA with Bord approval?

Hello George,
Unfortunately we cannot answer this question. The organization's by-laws should provide these guidelines so I would look there first. If it is not in there, then check with the president and Board.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 02/02/2017

I'm conducting some research for Building Resilient Neighbourhoods. BRN ( is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building resilient neighbourhoods in Victoria BC. We are conducting an update and revision of our Resilient Streets Toolkit ( ). The Toolkit includes “Inspiring Examples” from Canada and around the world of small groups of immediate neighbours collaborating in projects and activities on their street or in their buildings to help build resilience in their lives, homes, streets and neighbourhoods.

We’re having difficulty finding examples of things that neighbours can do to make sure that their block or building is friendly and inclusive for people of different cultures and races, people who have a disability, or who identify as part of the LGBTQ community. I’ve taken a look through your website and see that you have some incredible resources about how to build inclusive communities. I’m wondering if you know any initiatives undertaken by neighbours to create inclusivity at the street level. What we’re after here are examples that feel attainable for individuals working with a small group of their immediate neighbours. We’re especially looking for examples that include how-to guides, or that give a step-by-step explanation of how an initiative took shape. Examples might be reading groups, discussion groups, building parties to create accessible infrastructure, inclusive neighbourhood dinners or potlucks, instances where members or advocates of a minority group reached out to their neighbours to educate and/or connect with them, or anything else you think might qualify.

Anything you could offer would be greatly appreciated, including contacts for other organizations you think might be helpful.

Thank you so much!


Hello Kelly,
The Community Toolbox provides a Database of Best Practices and you might start there if you have not already explored it. Another good resource might be to look at web sites for professional associations related to such topics. The Society for Community Research and Action ( is one. Send an inquiry to the listservs of such organizations or review the literature and contact the authors.Google searches for the various groups affected by inclusive communities might also yield examples, especially if you contact the advocacy groups for each of these issues.
I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 02/02/2017
I am a Masters student of Public Health. I am interested in researching on Impact of HIV/AIDS Preventive Intervensions on Socio-economical Development in Low and Middle income countries - Meta-Analysis. Kindly advise me on the following;
(i) How do I prepare my research Proposal based on this area of interest. What should I capture in the Introduction - Background Information.
(ii) Results and Discusion
(iii) Analysis of Results
I will be grateful for your Prompt response.
Thank you in advance.
Eshirera Johnstone

Hello Eshirera,
My first thought when I read your question was that your academic advisor should be able to provide you with this guidance. You may want to start there. That said, I can offer the following guidance to you.
Introduction and Background - In this section you are going to read literature relevant to the issue your research will address. Be sure to include only peer-reviewed research and statistics from credible sources (the CDC for example). You should then integrate what you read to tell the 'story' and convince the reader that what you plan to do is necessary and important. Again, your argument has to be based entirely on the research and be sure not to insert anything that seems like opinion into your argument. Do not simply describe study after study and be sure to integrate what you read. The reader should fully understand the rationale for your work.
Method - You must then describe in great detail the method you plan to employ for your project. For a meta analysis, you will need to include how you will find the studies, and what the criteria will be for inclusion. You will also need to describe in detail how you plan to analyze the data and summarize your results.
The results and discussion will not be in the proposal of course. They will come after your proposal is approved and you have conducted your analyses. Results should include only the results of your analyses, and not any conclusions about them.
Discussion includes your analysis of the results. The analysis should tie the reader back to your introduction and demonstrate how you answered the question or issue at hand.
This should get you started, but your next step should be to talk to your advisor and let him or her guide you in this endeavor.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 02/02/2017
I would like to adapt a survey to assess coalition partners about the communities they serve. Can you suggest any such tool?

Hello Wendy,
Chapter 38 (Some Methods for Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives) in The Community Tool Box provides guidance and resources for assessing coalitions. You might also find Toolkit #12 useful as it provides additional guidance and resources.
I hope you find these resources helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Vie, 02/03/2017

I am working on figuring out how to integrate my organization's grassroots community organizing work with it's tendency to chase social movements that spur. I am not sure how to balance mass mobilization with long-term engagement in a way that achieves outcomes for both approaches and dignifies the long-time activist who maintain our volunteer leadership structures. Would love any advice you may have.

Hello Adam,
I can recommend a couple of ways that you can balance the need to respond to current issues and then sustain the efforts over time. First, if your organization has not engaged in strategic planning, I would suggest you explore its potential. A strategic plan can be useful to set some specific goals for each of those areas. Preparation might include conducting an organizational assessment to determine the current state. A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis of your organization can also help you to analyze your organization. The strategic plan should be sure to include input from all stakeholders and can in the end provide you with a strategy for addressing both, with agreed-upon goals and boundaries for the extent to which you will engage in each. The objective should be to determine the proportion of time and resources that will be allocated to activities for each of your goals.
Chapter 8 of The Community Tool Box presents guidance for developing a strategic plan along with Toolkit #5. Section 14 of Chapter 3 gives more information about conducting the SWOT analysis.
I would also recommend, if you haven't already, that you engage in evaluation for all activities. It will provide you the feedback needed to determine how much to continue engagement in an area. The Community Tool Box Chapters 36-39 and Toolkit #12 may be helpful for this.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 02/07/2017
How can I help my community to learn that the Liberal views are the one true way? I know this needs to be spread into the USA. And I think that your program could help facilitate this ideal. Thanks!

Hello Donna,
The Community Tool Box does not take a stand regarding political views or ideologies.  However, it is clear that you feel very passionately about the need to engage.  Here are some resources the Community Tool Box can offer to you that may be helpful. We suggest that you review the recommended chapters and examine the Toolkits.
Chapter 45 - Social Marketing of Successful Components of the Initiative with Toolkit #13 Implementing Social Marketing
Chapters 30 to 35 provide guidance for Organizing for Effective Advocacy and Toolkit #10 Advocating for Change
Chapters 6 and 7 provide guidance regarding Communications to Promote Participation
We hope you find these resources useful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 02/07/2017
Hello i found this site very interesting and useful for global sanity and sustainability. Please how can i have printed copies of all your your books and other printed materials even if it require paying for it. I bet you you wont believe how much beauty or how tremendous your initiatives change the world. thanks and i love you all.

Unfortunately, the Community Tool Box does not have printed copies or a book. All content exists online as you see it. If you want printed copy, I can only suggest that you print each page and somehow bind them or put them into a notebook. I would actually advise against this for one reason. The content in the Community Tool Box is updated whenever new information comes in, and new information is added as well. One of its best features is that because it is online it includes the most recent and best information possible at all times.
Thank you for your complimentary words and we are pleased that you find this resource so helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mié, 02/08/2017
Question: Examples of stakeholders and their interests

Stakeholders are any individuals or organizations who have some interest in a problem, program, policy, or other type of effort.  Some examples:
For a nonprofit or NGO or a program, some stakeholders might be the people affected by the focal problem, the people who provide funding, staff who work for the organization, local politicians who have an interest in reducing the problem, the members of the organization's Board of Directors, and the local community in general.  Each has some reason to be interested in the problem and its solution. The people who are affected by the problem would like to see it lessened so they are no longer affected. The people who provide the funding would like to see that the money they are contributing is making a difference. Staff who work for the organization want to feel that what they are doing matters. Local politicians want to take credit for making things better in their communities so they can be re-elected. Members of the Board of Directors want to see that the organization they are governing is effective. The local community all benefits from alleviation of any social problem.  
When addressing a problem - either through programs, policies, or evaluation - it is important to understand all people or organizations who have some interest in it, and then find out what their perspective is. You can most easily engage them if you approach them from their own perspective. 
I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sáb, 02/11/2017
I am a SVDP volunteer in a college town of 70,000 people. Answer helpline & assist poor with rent & utility assistance, food, clothing. want to implement some type of Systemic change project, but do not know where to start on such a small scale. we have limited resources and people. can you suggest a starting place. thank you

Hello Sheila,
Systems change usually happens through advocacy efforts. I would suggest you begin with a careful analysis of the community problems to determine where to target advocacy efforts. Community Tool Box Chapters 17-19 provide guidance. Then Chapters 30-35 and Toolkit #10 provide guidance to Organize for Effective Advocacy and Advocating for Change.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sáb, 02/11/2017
I am so confused.... My granddaughter and I started a drive called Blankets Across Charlotte and I have an EIN number provided by the IRS, I am having trouble understanding if I can qualify for an 501c3 so I am able to request donations from companies.

Hello Susan,
Your question is outside of the scope of the Community Tool Box. I recommend you contact the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits. They can either assist you or tell you who you need to contact for such information.  Their website is:
The Community Tool Box

Question Date: Lun, 02/13/2017
What do you do for a loved family member in chronic pain depression angry people who will not reach out for help?

Dear Kari,
The Community Tool Box does not provide assistance for individual problems. I recommend you contact a local mental health nonprofit to see if someone can give you guidance for this problem.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Lun, 02/13/2017
I would like to be involved actively in community development in Kenya. Are there running programs that I can be a part of?

Dear Charity,
We are not familiar with specific organizations in Kenya so we cannot make a connection for you.  However, I suggest that you do some research to learn about Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) that are doing work in the country and identify one that is doing work that interests you. Then reach out and contact the leaders of the NGO to find out if they have opportunities. The National Council of NGOs in Kenya can provide you with the information.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Lun, 02/13/2017
Question: Do you assist like monitory assistance to community affected by high flood?

Hello Simeon,
The Community Tool Box does not provide financial assistance. 
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Lun, 02/13/2017
Buenas tardes, me llamo Aida y soy de Rio gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Mi consulta sería sobre los adolescentes. Existe algún tipo de experiencia sobre Tribus urbanas que han tomado un sector de la ciudad como propiedad y que se hayan podido mitigar de alguna manera? Quisiera saber las medidas tomadas; y si es buena idea que desde este mismo lugar (donde se asentaron) se puede trabajar con profesionales que quieran ayudar de alguna manera ofreciéndoles diferentes actividades que puedan motivarlos a cambiar de conducta y costumbres? como por ejemplo deportes, oficios, actividades recreativas, etc..Desde ya muchas gracias y Saludos.

Dear Aida,
I am sorry I must respond in English. I do not speak Spanish. I was able to get your question translated.
I am not aware of any place that has solved the problem you described.  Such problems often have local origins and are best solved by looking at what contributes to or causes the problem.
I suggest you begin by examining what is leading to this problem. The Community Tool Box Chapters 17-19 provide guidance for analyzing the problem and then designing a solution that addresses the causes you uncover within your community. Then Chapter 5 presents guidance for choosing strategies. If you need to get local government to pay attention. Chapter 4 provides guidance for getting the issues on the public agenda.  
I am sorry I could not provide a more definitely solution for you, and sorry that this is written in English. I hope the information is helpful to you.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 02/14/2017
I am trying to develop a curriculum for new board members for my organization about the purpose of a board, what a board does, and how a board works. Due to the nature of our organization, many of our board members are community members rather than professionals , so we are looking for a curriculum that has family friendly language that is easy to follow. Is it alright to use the verbiage from the community tool box articles for this curriculum? Are there any other resources that I could use for this project?

Hello Kristen,
Please feel free to use the materials and words of the Community Tool Box. Please make sure you reference and credit us for the information when you do. Chapter 9 and Toolkit 6 have the information and resources you need.  If you would like additional resources, you can try a web site called 
Thank you for contacting The Community Tool Box and using our resources!
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Vie, 02/17/2017
Hello, I am assisting a professor in a class who would like to show the students some data on educational interventions in the community. They are creating interventions related to health or education with community partners. The professor wants data showing: What has worked? What has not? Are there identified barriers or solutions?

I referred them to your Database of Best Practices page, but wondered if you know of anything beyond this page?

Dear Nora,
We are happy to hear that the Best Practices Database has been helpful. If we were aware of any additional resources we would have definitely listed them in this database.
The only other possible resource might be for the students to do a literature search using terms descriptive of their specific interventions to determine whether there are individual publications in journals that are describing results of other interventions. 
Thank you for your inquiry,
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Lun, 02/20/2017
Question: what is the 8 p's


Dear Kim,
We are not sure what you are referencing regarding the "8 p's". Can you please submit a more specific question, or provide some context.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 02/21/2017

I am currently at an initialization stage of my NGO, about to be registered. I need candid advice on how to go about the proposal writing.

About the Organization.

The prospective name is TorchAfrica Organization, and what we look to doing is detailed documentaries in rural communities that need urgent attention by the government, other NGOs, civil groups and international communities. It aims to serve as a platform for having the poor voices to be heard.

Where i encounter difficulties is in crafting out the whole idea on paper. How and Why?

Unlike a business, i have noticed that most proposal found online are for grants (although very useful). But non talks about the legal framework and other contents needed for in-house i.e the members of the NGO. i will appreciate if you can put me through.


Dear Busayo,
Since legal requirements and other specifics of setting up an NGO are often governed by the laws of a specific country, we are unable to provide any specific advice for you there.  We can give you some ideas about where you might find some information. 
Chapters 8 through 12 of the Community Tool Box have information about developing a strategic plan for an NGO and structuring the organization. You might find them helpful.
Another suggestion is that you might contact local NGO's to ask if their leadership will provide you with some guidance and advice. They will understand the local requirements, and be there in person to perhaps provide additional assistance and advice.
I am sorry I cannot be more specific and I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sáb, 02/25/2017
I am from a community in the Niger Delta Area of Nigeria that is currently under siege by militant agitators. Their activities have negatively impacted on the health care, environment and educational development of the area.
My question is what strategies can one deploy in getting manageable health care support, creation of a friendly environment and sustainable education to the community amongst other social/ economic needs. It's pretty sad to see your community being stagnated in poverty, economic activities shut down, pupils dropping out of schools, environments being devastated with hydrocarbon pollutants, inaccessible Medicare etc.

I am sorry to hear how difficult circumstances are where you live. While I do not have specific answers, I can guide you to some information in the Community Tool Box that may be helpful. This sounds like a situation where it is more important than ever for community members to come together to solve problems.
You might start by browsing Chapter 1 of the Community Tool Box, especially Section 7, Working Together for Healthy Communities, Section 8 on Lessons Learned on Community Change, and Section 9 which presents a framework for addressing community goals and problems.
Chapter 2 presents different models for promoting community health and development. As you browse through the models you may find something that might work in your own community.
Chapter 5 provides information on choosing strategies to promote community health and development.
I hope you find something that is helpful and that conditions where you are change soon.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 03/07/2017
I am in need to state my geographical area. May sound strange but my organization helps a very large diverse community. How does one answer the geographical area question?

I hope I am understanding your question correctly. You are asking about how you can define a very large and diverse geographical area.  Geography is usually defined by the name of a city or country or some other similar set of boundaries. It can be a section of the city as well.  
I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mié, 03/08/2017
hello please what is the ISSUE and CONCLUSION in this article , i seem confused about it


Every single parent in Egypt is suffering this year. Whether they chose a national or international school for their kids, fees have skyrocketed in the past few months. Everyone has been filing complaints against schools’ illogical and sudden changes. No one sees any kind of legal monitoring and it is extremely disturbing.

Egyptian parents had hopes for the newly appointed Minister of Education, Tarek Shawki, but in his latest meeting, his remarks on the cost of education came across as disconnected from the reality many parents are facing.

Shawki addressed the rise in international school fees and how parents are reacting to it. He explained that in any developed country, some products and services cost more than others, based on what they offer the consumer. So, if you target a school that offers good quality of education, it would only make sense for it to cost more. Shawki also added that “no one forced parents to choose such schools.”

In reality, Egyptian families are kind of forced to choose expensive schools as what national schools offer is inadequate. Parents chose expensive schools willingly, but have lately been shocked with an over 50 percent increase in fees, even though in most schools the teaching staff are Egyptians, who are not paid in dollars. Just because a parent could afford an EGP 40,000 school (about $2,500), it doesn’t mean they can upgrade their budget to EGP 70,000 per year ($4,450).

Egypt's public education system is beset with problems including budget shortages, overcrowded classrooms, and poor levels of instruction. Particularly in poor or rural areas, enrollment in secondary education drops to about 60 percent, according to UNICEF.

Yet, on a more positive end, Youm7 claimed that Shawki plans on forcing schools to deduct the applications’ cost from the total school fees. Another matter that has been stressing parents is the $64 application as it basically means the parents lost money if their child doesn’t pass the assessment.

Hello Adam,
I suggest you read each sentence in the article and think about what it means. In doing so you will identify what the issue and what the conclusion are. 
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 03/09/2017
Hello, I am in school for social work and am working on a group lobbying/ advocacy project. The topic is mental health, and we need to find a federal bill and advocate for or reform the bill. Then make a power point presentation/ memo brief and meet with one of our state representatives. I am feeling overwhelmed because there are many bills regarding mental health. We have pin pointed supportive housing or lack of as well as inspections to ensure sanitary standards are being maintained. 1. What bill would best meet our needs? 2. if the issue is accounability, how do we address that?

Hello Trisch,
The bill that best meets your needs is the one your group decides would be of most interest, and that which the group feels it would do the best job of either defending or reforming. That is not a question we can answer for you.
Regarding the issue to address and how to do it, the first step is to research to find out what the issues mean. There are a number of really great questions to guide your thinking in Section 3 of Chapter 30 in the Community Tool Box. The entire chapter has great guidance for advocacy campaigns so you might find a lot of other helpful information in there.
I hope your project goes well!
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Jue, 03/09/2017

We're a UK based community group. Our local county council won't buy us expensive traffic calming measures. It says that if it did that for everybody, it would run out of money. Well, OK.

But, alarmingly, it explains that the communities with the most dead traffic victims can have traffic measures. We don't like that and we don't want to die in order to become eligible for a mini roundabout. Accordingly, I've drawn a rather childish picture of a roundabout with a pile of dead bodies beside it, and I've written Council Policy underneath it. I would like to get it made into a poster on computer and have made phonecalls and emails, but, so far, no luck.


Hello Patrick,
Unfortunately, the Community Tool Box does not print posters.  However, we can give you some helpful guidance to hopefully meet your goal of obtaining traffic calming measures before there are excessive deaths. 
First, you might explore Chapter 33 - Conducting a Direct Action Campaign to see if there are any strategies you have not yet tried. Chapters 30 through 35 and Toolkit #10 have additional information about effective advocacy as well.
If money is the only issue holding them back, then you might find out if there is a way to raise the money, perhaps by fundraising or writing a grant. Chapter 42 and Toolkit #14 have guidance for applying for grants. 
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Lun, 03/13/2017
Hi, I am starting an initiative called Taking The Tomboys Off The Streets as it has been observed that alot of tomboys here in Nigeria are either thugs or into illegal activities. Most of them are drop outs and are into drugs. I have started doing the writing but I am working on a proposal for a grant and I seem stalled as I have not got involved in any social campaign before. Please what do I do?

Getting a new initiative off the ground can be somewhat challenging. Typically, the best place to start is with a solid plan with each actionable step laid out for you. That breaks it down and makes it more manageable, while ensuring that you have thought through all of the details.
Undertaking a new community venture typically begins with a thorough analysis of the problem. For that I recommend that you read Chapters 17 through 19, and then look at Toolkits #3 and #7. There is great information about changing the physical and social environment in Chapter 26. You might look at Chapter 42 and Toolkit #14 for assistance with writing the grant. Then Chapter 45 has information on implementing social marketing (if that will be part of your strategy).  Hopefully these resources will help you move forward and finish your proposal.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mar, 03/14/2017
Thank you for the information i have just read about multinational Cultural Collaboration.I already created a cultural corner at Kenya National Library Service Nakuru Branch.Kindly assist me to know how we can partner or work together in this area of knowledge and if i can get a sponsor to assist me make my dreams come true.

Hello Josphine,
Congratulations on your accomplishment! It seems like a great project. The Community Tool Box does not provide sponsorships. You are welcome to use all of the information and toolkits provided here. We just ask that you give us credit for them when you do. 
You might also look to some of the National Library's other partners and supporters to find out if they would like to partner for this initiative. Another resource might be to partner with someone from one of the local universities.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Mié, 03/15/2017
